View Full Version : really had enough

07-02-14, 08:55
I just want to cry all the time. Can't cope with feeling like this anymore. I constantly feel sick and shaky my stomach is so bad. On the way to work and just feel like I'm going to burst into tears. When I didn't have a job I felt down and now I'm working my whole like revolves around my anxiety about going to work. I can't win I just know if this anxiety doesn't calm down soon I going to have a breakdown

07-02-14, 09:11
Please try yoga, in your lunch hour go and buy http://www.yogacurious.com/blog/6-best-yoga-dvds-for-yoga-lovers/2013/10/

I have this and it's great it WILL help. Trust me I was in a very heightened state of anxiety(continually). Started this DVD and it helps, it's not cured me yet but certainatly relieved the powerful reaction of anxiety. I still get myself worked up, but having to except that this is anxiety and don't let it control you, you control it.

Funny that I have the wise words for you but I still am in this hole. But I have to remind myself daily I'm not as bad as I have been.

07-02-14, 09:32
Lyrica, I have to salute you as you are alot stronger than me... I can't even face work at the moment so firstly well done for sticking with it.

Are you getting any counselling or anything? are you on meds? sounds like you need abit of help from a professonal..???

You should be proud though for sticking with this.:bighug1:

07-02-14, 10:15
If you're really struggling why don't you explain the situation to your manager (that you have returned to work from long term sickness due to anxiety) and see if there is any support they can offer, like shorter shifts or working less hours/days a week. Don't give up on working, try some methods first.

07-02-14, 12:19
I mentioned it to my manager yesterday and other staff have noticed I'm distressed today, but my manager just seem inpatient and annoyed by it. I know that it's annoying her. Its a new job and I'm just doing training. I find myself hiding in the toilet crying. My training is done soon and I will have to do things alone and my shifts are 12hours long. I know I'm lucky to have this job and everyone is telling me what a great opportunity I've got. But I just want to run from the building screaming. I can't even explain this to my mum or my partner without getting a bad mood from them they think I'm being silly that just makes it worse. Will these feelings go away if I just stick st the job or am I going to spend forever feeling like this?

07-02-14, 12:55

Sorry to hear all of this, I would suggest you don't speak to your manager.

Speak to your HR department, both my manager and HR are aware that I take anti depressants.

Sometimes I'm late in or I can be in a bad mood, they just have an open door policy which has helped.

I would get a book called depression curse of the strong, thats been a great help understanding this.

07-02-14, 15:52
Are you on any medication?

Are you female? Where are you in your cycle? Does this affect it because it affects me terribly.

I've just ordered some 5htp, I'm hoping these help me, as I'm not on any other meds.

Some good advice there. Maybe a good idea to speak to your boss, if you can't speak because you find it hard, write a letter xxx

07-02-14, 17:14
I'm no longer on medication. I did speak to my boos and overheard staff talking about me in the office saying I'm not coping and they said 'I bet she doesn't stay' my partner literally told me 'don't be stupid' because I've not been eating. My appetite has totally gone. I'm completely stressed out of my mind. I've been holding my tears on all day. I feel so alone in this

07-02-14, 18:30
I'm no longer on medication. I did speak to my boos and overheard staff talking about me in the office saying I'm not coping and they said 'I bet she doesn't stay' my partner literally told me 'don't be stupid' because I've not been eating. My appetite has totally gone. I'm completely stressed out of my mind. I've been holding my tears on all day. I feel so alone in this

My hubby once told me not to be so stupid when I first told him I had anxiety and it was making me depressed, because of this I felt thoroughly ashamed and so alone I can't describe.

You need to eat. I was told this in this forum. As soon as you wake up make sure you eat! Maybe it's time to get some advice off your doctor?

Really sorry you heard staff chatting about you. Sending you a hug. You're certainly not alone xxx

07-02-14, 18:40
I'd go back on medication, I had the same problem contracting / working away...

Staff are like that, i had the same problem. However my boss helped me with it....

Can you book in with your GP and speak with him? Arrange an emergency appointment...

07-02-14, 18:47
you are so not alone in this fight. As you can see from this forum there is a lot of other people in the same boat as you and you have come to the right place for support. I to deal on a daily basis with this over whelming anxiety and panic. I do work also and some days are worse than others, when I get stressed out I feel like I can't breath and that throws me into an down hill spiral. I try not to think about it I do take zanex on occasion when it gets real bad and that seems to help me. Have you been to the doctor?? Tell them how you are feeling and get some medication. Try to eat for not eating will make you real fatique, & tired. Here is a B.I.G :hugs:for you.
Together we can get throw this. This sight has helped me. When I feel down and all alone I come on here..