View Full Version : Dry Mouth

Alan S
07-02-14, 12:29
I've been on Citalopram for about 6 months and for the most part it's worked great, except one thing.... I get a really bad dry month :mad:

I thinking of making an appointment to see my GP but I'm not sure there's anything they can do.

Anyone else suffer from dry mouth as a long term side effect?

07-02-14, 12:42
Hi there, my brother and I both suffer this!! It is rather unpleasant but something both of us have to deal with..
my brother has been on citalopram for about 18 months, and me for 6 months. when i felt this dry mouth i worried, so asked my brother who explained it was likely the tabs, and its manageable, annoying... but i drink lots anyway so i just keep drinking more, water mainly and i feel loads better :):hugs:

07-02-14, 12:52
I`ve been on 10mg, 20mg and now I`m on 40mg of citalopram a day and I have suffered from a dry mouth all the way through. It`s not an earth shattering solution but I`d suggest drinking as much fluid (preferably water) as possible. It`s what I do.

Alan S
07-02-14, 12:54
It's driving me mad, in fact I had to go to dentists this week to have one of teeth smoothed off as it started rubbing on my tongue and made it sore.

Thanks for the reply

---------- Post added at 12:54 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------

More water it is then :)

07-02-14, 13:24
More water, try and hold a mouthful of water every so often too...

also, stop thinkign about it!!!! The more you think about it, the more it bothers you, then teh more you'll twiddle yout tongue and create more problems... like gurning if you'd been taking drugs! lol!

i know its easier said than done, but once you've managed even one day without it on your mind all the time, it'll become second nature... you'll find when you do think about it though, you're aware of it again! cleverly annoying!!!

avoid tea and coffee, and dry foods for a bit too, they'll only exagerate the problem! Brush your teeth regular but i find mouthwash makes it worse if only for a short time so i avoid it now!!

Alan S
07-02-14, 13:35
Thanks for the advice, you’re right, I’m just feeding this side effect with my thoughts.

It's these types of thoughts that landed me here in the first place :doh:

07-02-14, 13:52
Yeah Im on sert I get a dry mouth but mainly at nighttime ,I dont no if there is a answer ,Iv just accepted it :huh:

07-02-14, 14:07
accepting and kind of ignoring it... just getting on with it...

i feel you on the kind of thoughts though, i'm the same....!!!

but Stop it LOL!!! You can do it... i can, and have... well, am trying lol...!!!


Cú Chulainn
07-02-14, 18:33
I get this but I drink a lot of water anyways so it makes really no difference.

07-02-14, 19:16
I get this as well and I have to agree with a previous comment mouthwash does seem to make it worse. Chewing gum increases saliva so does help a bit but I have yet to find an answer so just do my best to put up with it.