View Full Version : citalopram week 2. super bad jitters

07-02-14, 15:28
Hi guys! I've been on citalopram for a few months now, but 2 weeks ago i had to bump up my 20mg dose to 30mg just to sort out that last little bit of irrational anxiety. I've been feeling extremely jittery over the last few days. like, i have adhd, and i would liken the jitters to the first few weeks of ritalin, but they don't wear off at the end of the day. has anyone else had this problem? will it go away or am i on too high a dose? i can't live like this hah

07-02-14, 16:00
i would try and persevere for another week atleast, maybe even 2 if you can take it... i went form 20 to 30mg... felt really giddy and like i was on some ClassA drug for a coupel of weeks, then suddenly it all settled... it left me feeling worried it then wasnt workign at all though, because i was feeling kind of "normal" but i soon realised this was ok and meant it was actualyl working...

i didnt really feel much on 20mg, hence i went up. i felt the very edge of my depression adn anxiety wear off, but went on 30mg for that little extra lift for the final bit...

my brother was on Citalopram and during his first 3 months, he had to take loads of time off work, go on mini holidays away from the world and all sorts, he very enarly gave up because he just couldnt cope with how the tablets made him feel... BUT liek a trooper he carried on... 18 months on and he hasnt looked back... he is my inspiration to keep going... through all the blips, and side effects... just keep going!!

hope that helps, sorry if just jumbling words...

rach :) xx