View Full Version : Joint pain and some good news

07-02-14, 16:53
So I am a long time sufferer of HA, GERD, IBS and GAD. I am not currently medicated for anxiety but I do take daily meds for GERD and high cholesterol. For several months I have been having chronic joint pain. My elbows both ache frequently and when they do, pressure seems to be put on the nerves in my elbows and pain and numbness radiates to my hands and all of my fingers (not at once though). Just bending my arms causes down stream pain. My hands cramp easily and are weak and are cold all the time. I see no obvious swelling anywhere. I also have all kinds of popping and creaking in my hips and shoulders. I have been having pain in my feet too. I have had coritsone shots in one foot to reduce unseen swelling. This helped immensely but now I am having pain in a toe on my other foot. No injuries or new workouts to mention bu I am a very tense person. I do yoga, run about 6-9 miles per week and was doing some light weight lifting until the pain in my elbows got too great. I had standard CBC (blood test) in December and all came back OK. Anyone have any ideas? Going to the Dr is not an option due to finances now but I will be seeing my doctor in about 4 weeks to discuss anxiety (regularly scheduled visit).

On a more positive note, I have been nicotine free for 35 days and I think it is getting easier:)


07-02-14, 18:07
So I am a long time sufferer of HA, GERD, IBS and GAD. I am not currently medicated for anxiety but I do take daily meds for GERD and high cholesterol. For several months I have been having chronic joint pain. My elbows both ache frequently and when they do, pressure seems to be put on the nerves in my elbows and pain and numbness radiates to my hands and all of my fingers (not at once though). Just bending my arms causes down stream pain. My hands cramp easily and are weak and are cold all the time. I see no obvious swelling anywhere. I also have all kinds of popping and creaking in my hips and shoulders. I have been having pain in my feet too. I have had coritsone shots in one foot to reduce unseen swelling. This helped immensely but now I am having pain in a toe on my other foot. No injuries or new workouts to mention bu I am a very tense person. I do yoga, run about 6-9 miles per week and was doing some light weight lifting until the pain in my elbows got too great. I had standard CBC (blood test) in December and all came back OK. Anyone have any ideas? Going to the Dr is not an option due to finances now but I will be seeing my doctor in about 4 weeks to discuss anxiety (regularly scheduled visit).

On a more positive note, I have been nicotine free for 35 days and I think it is getting easier:)


I can tell you that I've had positive results taking a glucosamine chondroitin supplement. Twice a day. It takes a couple of months before you really start feeling the benefits but it's done wonders for my joints.

Congrats of kicking the smoking!! That's HUGE!! Keep up the good work!

Positive thoughts

07-02-14, 18:42
hi j2 i also take statins for high cholesterol and have had so much joint and mussel pain i have stopped taking them my gp has prescribed the 3rd statin and told me to start it in a week giving my legs time to get better

im not suggesting thats whats wrong with you but it could be worth considering