View Full Version : please help :( scared I'm going to die tonight.

07-02-14, 19:53
I've done so well this year trying to change my attitude and not let health anxiety and palpitations get me down.

But for the last our I've been having palpitations and extra beats and they're not stopping. Its scaring the life out of me. Ive been having intermittent pain on my jaw line all day as well.

I'm going out in half an hour and I'm so scared I'm going g to drop dead cos they're not going away. Someone please help me feel better :(


07-02-14, 20:18
You've probably been thinking about your jaw pain all day and maybe this is stressing you out. If you've been checked out already then you know this is simply just the aggravating pvc's. Take some deep breaths in through your nose and exhale out your mouth. Try to keep calm and realistically about what they are. You'll be fine. :)

07-02-14, 20:59
I am assuming you have had your heart checked out and been told you are fine. Just to reassure you, I have thousands a day and went to A and E with every 2nd beat a pvc. Cardiologist said I was fine. They are harmless in a structurally normal heart, just scary I know.

There is a research paper by HL Kenneley where they followed a large group of pvc sufferers for 10 years. These patients had an average of 500 (!!) pvcs an hour. After 10 years the conclusion was that there was no increased risk of death to assymptomatic pvc sufferers and their prognosis was the same as the general US population.

Hope this helps. Try the Tara Brach website for free guided meditations. I find they help me relax.

08-02-14, 16:26
Thank you. I managed to go out last night but again today I'm having palpitations and extra beats every 15 seconds or so. I don't want my heart to give out :(

08-02-14, 16:32
Hey Lou,

Did you have any problems while you were out and about?

(I have palps too- pain in the rear, aren't they?)

08-02-14, 16:33
I did have a few Yeh. I was trying to relax as much as possible. I've never had them this bad before. Its every 15 seconds for the last half hour. I don't know what I can do.

08-02-14, 17:07
I am sure you have seen this, but thought I would share in case you hadn't:


08-02-14, 22:28
Look on the All Experts cardiology forum. Search for pvcs and look for answers from Dr Richardson. He is a cardiology professor. His standard answer for palpitation sufferers is that if you have been tested to make sure your heart is not damaged (ie. By ecg) then they are harmless and never lead to heart attack or other catastrope. I used to think my heart would just stop, but that is not what happens. A rogue cell sticks in an early beat - the hearts normal pacemaker cells carry on regardless. I have also read info from the Cleveland Clinic, top heart centre of the US, which suggests that they do not treat pvcs unless you have 10,000 a day every day, because they are harmless.

It is frightening to have so many - I often have a bad spell like this and it causes huge anxiety. I printed out all the answers on the All Experts site to read thru as I found it very reassuring.

10-02-14, 13:31
Thank you for the replies. I'm still getting them even now. Its like an extra beat straight after a normal heartbeat and I feel it in the hollow of my throat and I start to worry and it happens every few seconds :( the last ECG I had was about a year ago and was normal but I'm so scared I'm going to drop dead :(

Round in circles
14-03-14, 19:42
Sending you a hug Loubelle. I know how terrifying it can feel. :hugs:

Catherine S
14-03-14, 21:34
You can feel them in your throat because you have pulse point there. I get them too, as does my GP so at least he knows what it feels like. I take a beta-blocker...propranolol..which helps such alot in calming these extra beats down and my GP takes these too so it might be worth asking about beta blockers as there are a few of them not only propranolol.

15-03-14, 20:08
hi, I was getting these as well, my doctor has put me on bisoprolol which has helped, I also find that eating a banana during the day ( I don't like them lol ) has helped lessen them as well, something to do with the magnesium in them I am told, maybe worth others that are suffering trying.

25-03-14, 21:49
Paula2876 is right - 1 banana a day helps with this as well as with circulation.