View Full Version : Worried about neck pain :(

08-02-14, 10:53

I haven't been on here for a while now, but have come back as am really worried about something. I know I am prone to health anxiety, although this tends to be triggered by a health complaint which I then worry about. Am not on any anxiety meds or anything.

I currently have terrible neck pain. This started three weeks ago now. One evening, I could just barely turn my neck right, or down as it hurt so much. I was signed off work and given diazepam, cocodamol and diclofenac and told it was muscular.

A week later I returned to the docs as no improvement and the pain meds are not doing anything atall. Signed off again, try physio. I go to physio and the woman just massages back area and then am in absolute agony there as well for a few days, went back to GPS, and asked for an MRI. Was told I didn't need one, (I do have bupa so can pursue) as have no symptoms linked to the discs, just have pain, so asked for an X-ray then, which doctor reluctantly agreed to. So had that and am waiting for results, but am absolutely convinced I have some tumour in my neck, or a cancerous disk or something and am in such a state of panic. Everyone keeps telling me to stop it, it's only muscular but then why haven't the pills been effective in relieving the pain. He prescribed me tramadol but I am a bit scared to take it.

I have a three year old boy and am just struggling to function. I am signed off work for another week, but feel like I need an answer to what is causing the pain.

I can move my neck now without too much pain, so that has eased up, but the pain feels deep within my neck on the right side, a constant ache. Isn't relieved by heat.

I am trying to stay off google, as I know I won't find any answers there, but the pain is driving me mad :(

The pain is right side of my spine half way up my neck now.

What if it is a tumour, carotid artery problem, nothing muscular atall....
Brain tumour, I just can't cope with this.

08-02-14, 11:08

I haven't been on here for a while now, but have come back as am really worried about something. I know I am prone to health anxiety, although this tends to be triggered by a health complaint which I then worry about. Am not on any anxiety meds or anything.

I currently have terrible neck pain. This started three weeks ago now. One evening, I could just barely turn my neck right, or down as it hurt so much. I was signed off work and given diazepam, cocodamol and diclofenac and told it was muscular.

A week later I returned to the docs as no improvement and the pain meds are not doing anything atall. Signed off again, try physio. I go to physio and the woman just massages back area and then am in absolute agony there as well for a few days, went back to GPS, and asked for an MRI. Was told I didn't need one, (I do have bupa so can pursue) as have no symptoms linked to the discs, just have pain, so asked for an X-ray then, which doctor reluctantly agreed to. So had that and am waiting for results, but am absolutely convinced I have some tumour in my neck, or a cancerous disk or something and am in such a state of panic. Everyone keeps telling me to stop it, it's only muscular but then why haven't the pills been effective in relieving the pain. He prescribed me tramadol but I am a bit scared to take it.

I have a three year old boy and am just struggling to function. I am signed off work for another week, but feel like I need an answer to what is causing the pain.

I can move my neck now without too much pain, so that has eased up, but the pain feels deep within my neck on the right side, a constant ache. Isn't relieved by heat.

I am trying to stay off google, as I know I won't find any answers there, but the pain is driving me mad :(

The pain is right side of my spine half way up my neck now.

What if it is a tumour, carotid artery problem, nothing muscular atall....
Brain tumour, I just can't cope with this.

I made bold what I thought was crucial.

1. Firstly, if you had tumour, your condition wouldn't have improved, but worsened.
2. Secondly, if you had tumour pain would not have been the only symptom.
3. Thirdly, cancerous discs don't exist.
4. Fourthly, not taking meds prolonged the trouble-take the meds.
5. In winter weather, if you're sensitive to neck stiffness a scarf is a must, as well as not going out when weather is windy, and avoiding drought (believe me, I learned this the hard way)
6. Neck stiffness is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety. In your case, anxiety probably aggravated the pain and made it last longer.
7. Doctor told you it was muscular.

Here what I think: you were caught in a drought somewhere, the muscles stiffened, the pain started, then you started worrying, and aggravated the whole thing.

Listen to your docs, take the meds they prescribed, avoid the cold and wind, and you'll be just fine. Good luck with the x-rays, but I'm convinced they'll show absolutely nothing serious. :)

08-02-14, 11:17
I'm currently going through a similar thing. Mine is right sided rib pain rather than neck pain. Doctor thinks its muscular but sent me for an xray which I'm waiting for the results. Mine has been going on for 6 months and I'm terrified of what my blood and xray results will show :(

08-02-14, 11:26
Thank you Andrash, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply and your points all make sense when I am being rational. I guess I just need to wait for the x ray and go from there. I don't have any other symptoms other than the pain and arm ache.
Shouldn't they take a blood test or something? The GP diagnosed muscular without even looking at my neck. I have taken all the other pills given, just a bit worried about the tramadol effects with my little one here.
Thank you x
Hanging Basket - I'm sorry to hear you are so worried too. Waiting for the results of things is horrible. Can you remember hurting your rib area or did it start spontaneously? My neck came on suddenly when I was sitting on the sofa, very odd.

08-02-14, 12:10
No I've never injured the area. It just began hurting all by itself. I had bloods done yesterday for bone profile and inflammation as well as a chest xray. I know how you feel about waiting... its horrible :(

08-02-14, 12:14
Waiting game is definitely the hardest-try to take comfort in what the doctor said and come here every time your fear rerises :)

08-02-14, 13:43
Added to the above. I learned this during cancer treatment. Take the meds! Tramadol is NON-NARCOTIC pain reliever that works! It's just a step up from OTC pain relievers. I take it every day and will probably for life. Pain is a symptom, if left untreated, hinders the healing of the real issue, which sounds muscular. If you hurt, you continue to be tense which keeps the muscles tense where the original issue started and can cause it to actually worsen.

Positive thoughts

08-02-14, 15:57
Did you hear yourself ask "why haven't the pills been effective in relieving the pain?" in the same breath as you said you haven't actually taken the pills you've been given? I think there's your answer there :).

To be fair, muscular pain can be a bit of a stubborn thing sometimes, so pills might not make it go away completely--you might need to talk in more detail to the physio and find out if you're doing something that's tightening the muscle (do you do a lot of picking up of your three-year-old, for instance? That's the sort of thing that can wear on a body).

08-02-14, 19:51
Hi Fairy, I have neck pain too, also painful lumps on my head which I'm not certain are linked but keep thinking it must be, I'm going dizzy too and obviously think the worst, as you are too. Fishman knows a lot about this kind of thing so please take notice of him, I'm trying to heed his advice my self right at the moment as I have done before. Someone else one here also mentioned to me about TMJ and jaw problems triggering neck pain, maybe look at that in case other symptoms are there without you realising it. Try to keep your chin up (no pun intended :))

08-02-14, 21:10
I've had something very similar recently. I won't go though all my symptoms, but I couldn't move my head all the way to the right and I was in pain. The doctor prescribed something to get rid of the pain, it helped a bit. Then I saw a very good osteopath and I was fixed within a week.

I often find alternative treatments can help with some complaints, osteopaths are excellent for structural stuff. :)

08-02-14, 22:17
Thanks everyone. I only got the tramadol yesterday - I have been taking the other meds. I will take it and see what happens.

I have picked up my boy a fair bit, and he weighs 17kg so a fair amount. The day it started I had held him up and was looking up at some mugs on the top of my kitchen cupboards whilst he chose his favourite (I have a mug addiction lol) - then the pain started about an hour later so that could have started it. I have also sat rubbishly on a laptop and ipad for hours with work so that could have contributed to something.
It's just hard to function when I'm in this state and no one around me - except all of you - seem to understand how it feels.
I have been naughtily looking again at dr google, and have decided it could be a herniated disc or spondylosis but I guess the X-ray may point to one of those things.
To make matters worse, hubby is on nights this weekend, and my little one has got a bad croupy cough so am panicking about that now too. Last time we had to take him to a and e.

Thanks for all your thoughts and posts, I really appreciate it.
Thanks Fishmanpa and Althea, x
I am sorry you are suffering too CeeCeeCee. I have a lot of sinus pain and had some ct scans a while ago for tmj in case my sinus pain was referred but it didn't seem to be. Thanks though xx
I am glad you are ok now Serenity, i will go and see an osteopath but feel like I need to know what it is first in case they make it worse.
When I had the x ray I said to the radiographer, would you be able to see if it was broken, she looked at me as if I was mad and said yes dear, but then she didn't say whether it was or not.
I'm starting to ramble.....

09-02-14, 09:32
IMPORTANT NOTE: The following information ( top.drugstore24hour.com ) is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgment of your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. It should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. Consult your healthcare professional before using this drug.

09-02-14, 15:15
It was prescribed korrotonn.
Feeling glum

09-02-14, 15:36
IMPORTANT NOTE: The following information ( top.drugstore24hour.com ) is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgment of your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. It should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. Consult your healthcare professional before using this drug.

That's boilerplate that's on every prescription med page on the source site, healthcentral.com, to protect themselves--it has nothing to do with this specific medication. In fact, it's under "Conditions of Use" rather than the medication description. It's just a disclaimer.

fairyloveheart, I take Tramadol sometimes and it's fine; makes me feel a little drowsy sometimes, but when I take it I'm also pretty tired of something hurting so it's hard to say which came first! Have you also looked into those microwaveable most heat packs that are shaped to fit your neck?

11-02-14, 21:30
Well, I got the X-ray results back, they said all disc spaces normal. I went to the docs though and he then questioned why I had an X-ray anyway, and said what was the point ad it wouldn't show anything. I said wouldn't it show a fracture and he said no, not necessarily :(
I asked him for an MRI and he said no :( he said I don't have any symptoms that would warrant one - even though I am with bupa so not sure why he was so concerned. He said in two weeks of it doesn't get better then he might refer me....

Just said its muscular. I can't cope with it, can't cope with the pain. I'm sure it's some cancer or something, I said that and he just said then two weeks won't make a difference. :( he said that a lot of mris show you something you would be better off not knowing too, like something that isn't affecting you but isn't normal.

On the X-ray it said that the c7 bone was longer than normal....

He swopped my anti inflammatories to naproxen.... :(

Am supposed to go back to work next week, how can I go back in this pain....I can't cope

11-02-14, 22:31
I'm sorry your neck still hurts, fairyloveheart.

I know when you're really hurting it's harder to think your way out of panic, but give it a try. Your pain sounds like it's muscular to doctors, and the likeliest other factor, disc involvement, has been ruled out. So what have you tried that would help with muscle pain? Have you looked into physiotherapy or massage, have you tried hot packs or heating pads? I think getting your pain to let up a little would really help your anxiety.

15-02-14, 22:04

Thanks. My worries have escalated and I have several panic attacks about it all.

I have tried muscular rubs, heat, had physio but now my GP said to hold off on that.

I went back to my GP on Friday and he has referred me to an orthapedic consultant on bupa, and I rang up and got an appointment but not till Friday which seems an age away. I am so scared it is neck cancer or some kind of cancer. The pain has got progressively worse, it is constant now, aching on my right side all down my neck, and at the back at the right, sometimes extending down to my shoulder blade.

I am also worried about the consultant type, they gave me 4 but when I looked them up, some were foot experts so I ruled them out so went for the shoulder/upper limb expert. Looking at the Internet, it seems like orthapeadic consultants don't deal with necks that's the neurospinal, so now I think am I even seeing the right person. I want an MRI but what if he doesn't suggest that...

If it was muscular pain it would have stopped by now, or would be relieved by what they have prescribed.

I am so worried :(

15-02-14, 22:17

I had head and neck cancer. In most cases if not all, there are no symptoms. I had a hard immovable painless swollen lymph node that didn't respond to two rounds of antibiotics. After scans and a biopsy I was diagnosed. Now I have neck pain... all the time and lots of it due to surgeries, nerve damage and treatment so I do know neck pain ;) I happen to take Tramadol daily for pain.

Here's the thing, your doctor is fairly certain this is muscular in nature, thus the referral to an orthopedic specialist. A week is not that long to wait and if, in the one in a million chance this was more than muscular, one week won't make a difference.

Positive thoughts

15-02-14, 23:09
If it was muscular pain it would have stopped by now, or would be relieved by what they have prescribed.

Nope. Absolutely untrue. Where are you getting this?

Sure, most muscle stuff we can do to ourselves resolves on its own in a short amount of time. But when muscles are irritated from a pattern of use, they don't always stop on their own, not even if the bad use has been detected and changed.

I am the queen of muscular maladaptation. At least now I know enough about it to deal with it in ways that do work, but mostly NSAIDs don't do anything, and muscle relaxants, heat, etc., are highly variable in their success and I often don't bother with them. And it never goes away on its own.

I'm not saying that you definitely have something muscular, because how would I know? But the reasons you're saying it couldn't be aren't true.

I know you say your GP has said to hold off on the other treatments, but what did the physio say about the situation? And I'm not clear--you took the Tramadol, but it also didn't help?

23-02-14, 22:05

Well I went to the consultant. He thinks I have damaged the c6, have muscle spasms and radiculopathy, as have started to have nerve symptoms... have to have an MRI on Thursday.

I am now worried it's lung cancer. Pancoast tumour, my neck really hurts and it goes down to the shoulder blade and so maybe it is this.

So frightened about what the MRI will say. I am so scared and can't function. Worried if it is a disc it will need to be removed. There is just so much pain and I'm not a pain wuss, I gave birth to a 10lber without any pain relief but that wasn't scary as I knew what it was.

The consultant just told me to keep taking the diclofenac and paracetamol

The word damaged keeps playing in my mind....how damaged?

23-02-14, 22:07
I made bold what I thought was crucial.

1. Firstly, if you had tumour, your condition wouldn't have improved, but worsened.
2. Secondly, if you had tumour pain would not have been the only symptom.
3. Thirdly, cancerous discs don't exist.
4. Fourthly, not taking meds prolonged the trouble-take the meds.
5. In winter weather, if you're sensitive to neck stiffness a scarf is a must, as well as not going out when weather is windy, and avoiding drought (believe me, I learned this the hard way)
6. Neck stiffness is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety. In your case, anxiety probably aggravated the pain and made it last longer.
7. Doctor told you it was muscular.

Here what I think: you were caught in a drought somewhere, the muscles stiffened, the pain started, then you started worrying, and aggravated the whole thing.

Listen to your docs, take the meds they prescribed, avoid the cold and wind, and you'll be just fine. Good luck with the x-rays, but I'm convinced they'll show absolutely nothing serious. :)

I can only agree with this :)

24-02-14, 00:10
I'm so scared. I just can't stop crying, everyone says pull yourself together but I just can't. I'm so worried I won't see my son grow up and am so worried that its all over.

24-02-14, 00:29
I had two discs removed with fusion from c5-c7. It's nothing that would keep you from seeing your son grow up.

You haven't described symptoms of a Pancoast tumor. I also hate that you're on the one hand worrying about your son being without you while at the same time you're taking yourself away from him by diving into anxiety-provoking Google searches.

The best thing you can do for your son right now is deal with your anxiety. Right now it's taking your focus from him, even when it's pretending it's about him.

24-02-14, 09:05
I'm so scared. I just can't stop crying, everyone says pull yourself together but I just can't. I'm so worried I won't see my son grow up and am so worried that its all over.

fairyloveheart, you really are getting yourself worked up! You are going to make yourself ill if you carry on like this - Believe me I've been there.

I had neck pain which the doctors found I can swollen lymph nodes. Over a period of 9 months I worried myself sick about every cause possible.

I eventually settled on Advanced skin cancer that had spread through my entire body - I even told the doctor this was my ultimate fear.
I went through the mill of blood tests, xrays, CT scan and finally paid for a private MRI scan - NONE of the tests found anything wrong. The doctor turned round and said to me one day "Why would somebody like you have cancer that NOBODY can detect?"

I think in medicine things are not always clear and a doctor also told me that sometimes they can tell you what isn't wrong (i.e. serious stuff) but can't tell you what IS wrong. The thing with doctors/medicines/tests is that SOMETHING would show abnormal to give an indication something was wrong. Tests are SO advanced these days.

If you want my advice, try to take a leap of faith and BELIEVE what the doctors are saying - they are the only people in your life right now that can see things clearly. YOU CAN'T!

Take that leap of faith, I wish I had a long time ago.

I still have this neck pain but since I've actually taken my mind of it, I am now in a position where i believe the test results and the doctors - this would have to be some kind of horror movie to be wrong!!

27-02-14, 21:51
Thank you for your comments and feedback.

I had the MRI today, gosh it's hard staying still in there. Have got a consultants appointment on Monday. I haven't put the scan disk in the pc, despite me having an urge to as I realise I won't be able to decipher anything.

I am trying to be more positive but am still struggling and worrying. The nerve symptoms have subsided so hopefully this is a good sign.

This evening the area at the front of my neck feels strange, almost like its swollen but it doesn't look so...

I bought a book on health anxiety and have started to read it. I know I have a problem with always thinking the worst case scenario about things and always have. I let it consume me - but the book seems to focus on how you imagine health issues though when there are none. Mine always starts with a symptom and the mushrooms into a worst vase scenario worry. This all started when I couldn't move my neck to right, I didn't imagine it....

27-02-14, 21:58
I'm glad to hear back from you, fairyloveheart. Yeah, I don't like the MRI tube much either! It's good news that your nerve symptoms have subsided, and I applaud you for finding the book to start working on your anxiety. I wouldn't worry too much about whether what it describes fits you exactly or not--the tools for dealing with your anxiety are likely to still help you either way.

And I think you're right to wait on looking at the scan results--it's sort of like Googling, isn't it? And we all know about that! Good luck with your appointment Monday.

28-02-14, 22:21
Well was trying to be positive yesterday, but had a bad day today.

Now it feels as if I constantly need to go to urinate so I went and looked it up on google and am now convinced I have cord compression. Why do I do it to myself.

I guess Monday isn't too far away. Husband is getting fed up of me :(

28-02-14, 22:32
When I last had a corking bout of neck stiffness and pain (obsessive knitter) I saw a local osteopath and he sorted it out in one visit!

28-02-14, 22:46
Thanks Idris. I'm scared to do that in case they worsen something!!! X

28-02-14, 23:15
I don't know where Andrash is but I'm willing to bet a fiver you'll be fine ;)

Positive thoughts

01-03-14, 12:03
Thanks Fishmanpa. Pain bad today. Just want to crawl into bed and hide, but I can't. I read some more of my book, which obviously some of it resonated, like the constantly checking with other half, but it isn't really helping as the pain is still there.
Maybe I need to wait till Monday and see what this is and if it is nothing, then carry on with it.

02-03-14, 11:37
Now I have more symptoms and am getting confused as to what is the original issue, what is some other issue, what could be anxiety and whether they are all part of the main issue and something terrible.

Neck and shoulder blade pain - original problem, with then arm pain and finger tip pain
Tongue now keeps going numb, decreased sensation - like I've burnt it when I haven't
Constant pressure to urinate and bladder area pain

I am seeing the consultant tomorrow but am so scared. I keep trying to tell myself that some of it is anxiety as I am worried and more sensitive to any pain and ache but then I link them all together and diagnose ms or spinal cord compression.

I am struggling to see the wood for the trees and not just think down the line to the worst case scenario. I am focusing on the what ifs. Picturing me not being here etc.

I know this site can't diagnose and do anything but I just feel so alone. :(
My husband is busy looking after our little one which I am grateful for and I don't want him to see me so upset so I am tending to keep myself out of the way. Am trying to distract myself but it's hard as my neck hurts when I do anything and this bladder pain.

I am nervous about tomorrow as I have to go on my own and am worried the consultant wills diagnose something terrible and then I have to drive home. I don't have anyone to ask to go with me.

02-03-14, 15:10
The neck pain as has been speculated based on your description is muscular/skeletal in nature and those other symptoms are all symptoms of anxiety/stress (see the Symptoms link).

Good luck with everything tomorrow. I'm sure you'll be fine :)

Positive thoughts

02-03-14, 23:17
Thank you, I do appreciate your comments and I am sorry I keep going on. I hope you are ok x

03-03-14, 21:49

Results are in - I have bulging discs at c6 and c7 and trapped nerve.

Also I have a UTI and they don't think that's related.

...and breathe. Am now trying not to google.....

03-03-14, 22:33
Well... true... a bulging disc cannot cause a UTI.

The good news is that it's muscular/skeletal in nature and treatable. With PT (physical therapy) you can control things. Follow docs orders and you'll do just fine.

I have a bulging disc issue in my lower back L4-L5. For the most part it doesn't cause any real issues but every now and again I throw my back out and that's no fun. Since I've been pretty much out of commission for a year from cancer, I've not been able to exercise and I'm weaker which tends to cause it to act up more. This winter has been awful (just got another 8 inches of snow!) and it's been ridiculously cold too. Hopefully, this is Winter's last gasp and the weather will improve so I can get out more. For me, the key is strengthening the muscles around the damaged area to help support it better.

Positive thooughts

06-03-14, 21:51
So pain in my neck has now switched to the other side which is wierd as the bulging and pain previously was only on one side, so now I'm worrying about that!!! Argh. Worrying they missed something on the scan, worrying I've done more damage since the scan! When will this worry end.

The UTI isn't going anywhere quickly either and I keep feeling shaky inside, which I am attributing to anxiety!