View Full Version : Would like to apologise

08-02-14, 12:08
Hello all.

I would like to apologise to everyone on No More Panic, that I have upset, annoyed and angered, by backstabbing because and so on.

Having been told what I've done wrong, I have given alot of thought about and I am really sorry for my behaviour, which wasn't intentional.

I'll understand if I am not welcome in the chatroom anymore.

I feel bad, especiaaly realising that alot of members, including myself, are going through a rough time emotionally, along with other health issues.

Hope you can forgive me, sometime.

I still want to be an NMP member. Missing being in the chatroom, I am.

08-02-14, 13:23
I feel its too little too late....and to be honest you have said this apology before and then continued to name call and backstab...so forgive me if I don't believe it's sincerity.

You seem to walk this very fine line with following chat room rules and I think more and more people are starting to realise this. As far as I'm concerned I gave you many chances, and each time you threw them back in my face. I'm not a two faced person, so I'm not going to say it's all ok to make you feel better...because it really isn't ok.

I don't believe you will change, but I urge you to prove me wrong...and when I see change I may rethink the decision to not speak to you anymore...O and by the way, it isn't ignorant me not speaking to you....as I informed you of this decision many times due to your behaviour toward me, so please stop calling me ignorant....I felt I needed to say this on this thread as you seem to call people ignorant and then leave before getting a response.

08-02-14, 13:43

I have been into the chat room quite a bit recently as you know and there have been lots of times when people have been upset by your actions, the talking about people behind peoples backs and calling them ignorant because they have chosen not to speak to you…. You HAVE to respect their decision.

Anyone is welcome in the NMP chat room, it is what NMP is for…. An all inclusive community BUT within that you have to realise that as with any community people will not all get on.

I too have been upset about some recent events which I cannot disclose on here and have felt your actions to be inappropriate BUT I think everyone can learn from their mistakes.

I sincerely hope you do prove to me and the others that you can learn and I am glad to hear that you have taken time out to think about things as I think it was needed.


08-02-14, 14:24
Tbh Ju you have repeatedly upset me by sniping, backstabbing and talking about me behind my back. despite numerous requests, both privately and publically to stop .

I am with Jac, I am not two faced and will not be nice to your face to talk about you behind your back.

Come back to chat and prove to me that this time is different and I may re-consider. But please respect my decision not to interact with you until then as I cannot deal with the stress that this involves.

Sorry if this appears harsh but I have been really hurt by some of your actions of late.

08-02-14, 16:57
Ok. I understand and I will refrain from talking to Jacsta and Elen.


08-02-14, 21:30
Firstly I know nothing about this at all as I don't use the chat room.

This isn't, though, an unusual thing to happen in a chat room which is why I dislike using them.

It's all too easy for people to sit behind their monitors being unkind to others and that is because they forget that they are not talking to a computer, they are talking to the real person that's sitting behind their monitor.

I don't understand why people seem to think it's acceptable to be unkind on the net, but not acceptable in "real life" It will still have exactly the same effect on the person that you're being unkind too or about.

I hate gossip of any sort, if we have a problem with anyone, then try and sort it out with that person, it's a horrible feeling to have if we're aware that we're being "talked about" instead of "talked too"

Also not one person on this Earth has any right to stand in judgement of anyone else and that's because we, none of us, are perfect.

But as I have said, this isn't unusual, I've seen it many times before in a chat room and especially where women are involved, sadly.

I don't know you at all Ju, or your reasons for upsetting people and I have no wish to tear into you either. But I suspect there is a reason for your behaviour, but only you can know that, I'm not excusing it, just trying to understand it.

I think it's a positive step you have taken now, but you really need to work on why you are doing this and then take the appropriate steps needed to stop it. It's a sad life to have to live with no friends hun, and people will only take so much, and rightly so too.

You clearly know that what you have done is wrong, otherwise you wouldn't have felt the need to apologise, so you are in control, my advice to you would be to stay away from the chat room until you can work on this issue and correct it so that it doesn't happen again.

We all have things that make us unhappy in life, we've all been through all kinds of not so nice stuff, but that is no excuse to hurt others, they are not to blame for anything that you may feel unhappy about, just stop and put yourself in their shoes and then you will know how they're feeling.

I hope that you can sort through this and put a stop to it and then be able to make, and maintain, some lovely friendships.