View Full Version : No Sleep

08-02-14, 13:22
I thought that was going to be a more namral weekend and a bit more relaxing. I finally talked my Dad into coming to stay at my house for three or four days. I picked him up yesterday at 4:30PM and we had a rather pleasant evening.
I went to bed at 11:00 PM and was awoken at 2:30 AM by my father in an absolute panic. He had woken up in a puddle of blood. All over the sheets, the comforter, the floor, and the bathroom. Took him to the ER and just got home. It's obviously something to do with his colon and now we have to schedule a colonoscopy. One more thing.
So what am I going to do today? I am going to try and remain positive and have a good day. I'm going to clean up the mess that is now everywhere. Here's to wishing I had a decontamination suit.
I am eventually going to take a nap and watch some mindless television with my Dad and my partner.
What am I not going to do today? I am not going to let anxiety take over my day. I am not going to worry about the new antibiotic that I am taking for my back. I am not going to google all potential side effects for this drug. I am not going to let my lack of sleep force me into an anxious state. I am going to realize that it is perfectly normal if I feel anxious.
I am going to use CBT to speak to my irrational thoughts and attempt to be the rational person that I know that I can be.

I am going to hope that each of you have a great day.

08-02-14, 15:46
I am so impressed with you, Tanner. Dealing with an ill parent is a tough thing to do even without HA, and you've been doing it for a while. I hope you get a good solid nap and an easier night tonight.

08-02-14, 15:55
Wow, Tanner. What a night. Oh, my.

Okay-- you should print out your own post and hang it where you can see it, because it is an empowering, strong-minded set of words that will keep you steering your thoughts in a focused, clear manner. You will navigate this weekend successfully.

Just a thought- would you be able to take off work Monday and go get a massage, read, and have some self-therapy? That might be more stressful if work is keeping you focused, or would cause you to fall behind……I just am concerned about you taking care of you.

Sending you hugs!

08-02-14, 18:18
Thanks Althea and Too Much. I just woke up from a three hour nap. Wild and strange dreams but a nap all the same. It has certainly been a long last six weeks. Unfortunately I can't take off on Monday but I am going to try and be productive today, while also getting in some relaxation.
I guess that I need to go back and read my own post again. There must be strength in it that I've already forgotten about. Thanks for reminding me.

08-02-14, 18:57
Sheesh! What can I say? You're doing better than many who aren't dealing with anxiety. I would have just tossed my cookies with all the blood ~lol~ Then I would have tossed them again cleaning up my own puke!

Glad you were able to get some rest. Vivid dreams are an indication that you're under some stress. Sending positive vibes and prayers.

Positive thoughts

08-02-14, 18:59
Thanks Fishmanpa. And nobody said that I'd didn't toss my cookies. ;-). I needed a Hazmat suit.

08-02-14, 19:02
Ummmm.... :emot-puke:

Positive thoughts

08-02-14, 19:13
Now that little emoticons just made my day. LOL

08-02-14, 19:16
Speaking of emoticons….is this a dragon slayer? …… :whiplash:


08-02-14, 19:37
I think that should definitely slay and dragon. If I were a dragon, I would be very afraid.

08-02-14, 19:52