View Full Version : Back with another fear :(

08-02-14, 13:30
For about 3/4 months now, every few weeks I get a sore throat on the right side which effects my tonsil and makes the gland under my chin swell up, then usually after a day or two the pain stops and the gland goes back down, well after 4 months now I just had another sore tonsil for an entire week and it's only just started to go away, same side as the other times. I am so scared I have tonsil cancer, I washed my hands yesterday and felt around the area and when I pushed down on my tonsil I felt where the pain was radiating from and I can't work out if the pain is on the tonsil or just beneath it. I am so scared I have tonsil cancer :( a couple of days ago the tonsil was a little swollen but it's gone down now and I also had a swollen lingual tonsil on the same side (tonsils that are on your tongue) which has also gone back to normal size, the gland that usually swells up and hurts got swollen but that has also gone down, I know those things point to infection but why does this keep happening and on the same side? I thought it could be allergies and post nasal drip which I suffer with badly but it wouldn't just happen to one side. I did the stupid thing of googling and it said that throat cancer or oral cancer pain can come and go so now I'm worried that it's been there for 4 months since I started getting a sore throat and the reason it's lasted so long this time is because the cancer is getting worse. I am so scared about this.

Any advice?

08-02-14, 13:54
Tonsil cancer, or any other oral cancer of the head and neck does not come and go. Take solace in that. That's why Google is so bad. That's wrong information that you found. I had oral cancer and I assure you it doesn't come and go! Chronic tonsillitis behaves that way and can cause the symptoms you describe. Allergies can definitely aggravate this. Perhaps taking a daily OTC allergy med like Zyrtec or Claritin (generic) would help. My fiance' has tonsil issues (stones) and a daily allergy pill has stopped them in their tracks.

If you smoke... QUIT! If you drink... STOP! And lastly, a visit to a qualified ENT that can address this chronic issue would be in order.

Positive thoughts

08-02-14, 14:07
Thank you Fish that made me feel good :) so you don't think it's cancer?