View Full Version : PLEASE someone respond today. Am terrified

08-02-14, 14:03
Hi all.
I haven't had a 'cold' for ages but 2days ago I noticed I kept getting headache on the right front side of my head. I had really bad Gerd and my gastritis was playing up big time so thought it was that. (I have been having really bad gastritis and acid reflux symptoms these past 3 weeks. Back in September they did an endoscopy and was told I had gastritis then)

Then on Wednesday evening my voice started to go a bit hoarse. Again, I thought acid reflux. On Thursday i was eating a plain biscuit and it felt like it was going into my lungs as I kept coughing it back up. It was so scary. I went to urg care which is attached to the hosp and as my heartrate was 125 they put me im the a&e bit. I had bloods done and a chest xray. All ok. Ecg ok. Dr said my reflux and gastritis was probably playing up. I said what if I get pneumonia from it as it really feels like im inhaling food. He said unless I was v elderly or disabled or lying dowm a lot thats not a risk.... fast forward yestetday morning and I wake up with razor blade pain in my mid throat. No runny/blocked nose but a very sore throat. Went to gp, he said not tonsilitis but probably viral infection. A few hrs later I started coughing with this sore throat. I was bringing up white thick phlegm. When I cough, the back of my throat has sharp hideous pain. Last night and this morning it still hurts, im achey in my ribs and upper back, amd it feels like I have a load of spiky food stuck mid throat. Im scared of a few things so please help me if u can:1) that I have or am getting a perforated oesophogeas or stomach 2) that food is going into my lungs and I have pneumonia 3) that I have strep throat (is that an American term?) Or glandular fever or a bacterial infection and will get very ill from it and die (thats the ptsd part but still a real fear). Now, just to add, my 4yr old.daughter has had a cough for a week, shes not once said she has a sore throat tho (have since asked and asked and ahe said no), my mum in law said she felt as if she had tonsilitis on Thursday as she had a sore throat... but again im not sure shes that ill as yesterday she seemed fine. Im worried my acid reflux has caused serious damage or that ive got something really bad that I should be on antibiotics for and am not so itll get worse and I'll be seriously ill. Ive just never had so much pain in my throat before. ..feel like its blocked up and when I cough it hurts so much (sharp pain in throat) that I could scream! Temp is 37.4 (I naturally run at 37.3), feel warm, ribs hurt amd headache too. Please help my over anxious, ptsd head work out what to do! Im so scared as I dont have a high temp or a runny nose so im convinced that I have acid and food in my lungs and my oesophagus is burning a hole through. Then again my little girl has had a cough and my mum in law has a sore throat. ... im very scared guys so sensitive advice would be appreciated. Am hoping it is a virus like the dr said... but I cant stop thinking that as im having terrible stomach pains and rib pain and sharp pain in my right shoulder blade (this also hurts when I move too...) chest xray on monday was ok, ultrasound on tummy this week ok, bloods this week ok....

Sorry it's so long, but I really need advice :(


08-02-14, 14:13
Hi all.
I haven't had a 'cold' for ages but 2days ago I noticed I kept getting headache on the right front side of my head. I had really bad Gerd and my gastritis was playing up big time so thought it was that. (I have been having really bad gastritis and acid reflux symptoms these past 3 weeks. Back in September they did an endoscopy and was told I had gastritis then)

Then on Wednesday evening my voice started to go a bit hoarse. Again, I thought acid reflux. On Thursday i was eating a plain biscuit and it felt like it was going into my lungs as I kept coughing it back up. It was so scary. I went to urg care which is attached to the hosp and as my heartrate was 125 they put me im the a&e bit. I had bloods done and a chest xray. All ok. Ecg ok. Dr said my reflux and gastritis was probably playing up. I said what if I get pneumonia from it as it really feels like im inhaling food. He said unless I was v elderly or disabled or lying dowm a lot thats not a risk.... fast forward yestetday morning and I wake up with razor blade pain in my mid throat. No runny/blocked nose but a very sore throat. Went to gp, he said not tonsilitis but probably viral infection. A few hrs later I started coughing with this sore throat. I was bringing up white thick phlegm. When I cough, the back of my throat has sharp hideous pain. Last night and this morning it still hurts, im achey in my ribs and upper back, amd it feels like I have a load of spiky food stuck mid throat. Im scared of a few things so please help me if u can:1) that I have or am getting a perforated oesophogeas or stomach 2) that food is going into my lungs and I have pneumonia 3) that I have strep throat (is that an American term?) Or glandular fever or a bacterial infection and will get very ill from it and die (thats the ptsd part but still a real fear). Now, just to add, my 4yr old.daughter has had a cough for a week, shes not once said she has a sore throat tho (have since asked and asked and ahe said no), my mum in law said she felt as if she had tonsilitis on Thursday as she had a sore throat... but again im not sure shes that ill as yesterday she seemed fine. Im worried my acid reflux has caused serious damage or that ive got something really bad that I should be on antibiotics for and am not so itll get worse and I'll be seriously ill. Ive just never had so much pain in my throat before. ..feel like its blocked up and when I cough it hurts so much (sharp pain in throat) that I could scream! Temp is 37.4 (I naturally run at 37.3), feel warm, ribs hurt amd headache too. Please help my over anxious, ptsd head work out what to do! Im so scared as I dont have a high temp or a runny nose so im convinced that I have acid and food in my lungs and my oesophagus is burning a hole through. Then again my little girl has had a cough and my mum in law has a sore throat. ... im very scared guys so sensitive advice would be appreciated. Am hoping it is a virus like the dr said... but I cant stop thinking that as im having terrible stomach pains and rib pain and sharp pain in my right shoulder blade (this also hurts when I move too...) chest xray on monday was ok, ultrasound on tummy this week ok, bloods this week ok....

Sorry it's so long, but I really need advice :(


Sounds like you have a viral bronchitis (cough, phlegm, sore throat,swallowing) and it will soon go away. You can't die from pneumonia, strep throat or glandular fever as they all show on scans+are easily cured with antibiotics. As for perforated oesophagus-you can't have that unless somebody knifed you :)

Drink a lot of lemonade and soft drinks, eat some chicken soup, and spend as much time as possible resting (it's weekend anyway). And above all stop worrying-you'll be better in no time! :)

08-02-14, 14:59
Regarding your temperature, it will naturally vary by more than .1 of a degree throughout the day in anyone, as it takes your body a while to adjust to changes in conditions throughout the day. So don't worry about that.

Your heart rate was high, indicative of a fight or flight reaction.

It sounds to me like you have a slight infection made much worse by anxiety. I'm not a doctor though, so if you're still worried do see your GP. :)

08-02-14, 15:49
What you describe sounds like a respiratory virus. They're much more common than bacterial infections, and you don't describe any signs that suggest it's bacterial. Therefore giving you antibiotics would do more harm than good.

Keep drinking hot liquids, sit in a nice steamy bath. It'll pass.