View Full Version : In Need of a hug

08-02-14, 16:06
Today has been horrible..5 years since I lost my farther...i feel so numb..

08-02-14, 16:12
It's nearly 3 years since I lost my father, followed 2 weeks later by my husband.
Think of the good times you had

08-02-14, 16:15
I know the horrible numb feeling you are experiencing, I lost my dad 6 years ago and think I am still in denial about it. I am sending you some hugs and hope you are feeling better soon :hugs::hugs:

08-02-14, 16:23
Thank you both

08-02-14, 16:30
Today has been horrible..5 years since I lost my farther...i feel so numb..

Your grief will follow you for ever, but you already made him proud, many times. Let that comfort you!

Hang in there!

08-02-14, 16:35
Nearly 4 months since I lost my mum. I know how you're feeling.. looks like it never gets easier :(

08-02-14, 16:37
I lost my mum 21 years ago, I still miss her but it does get easier:)

08-02-14, 17:02
Thank you all for your support

08-02-14, 18:22
very sorry to hear this kurtis. it must have been a very difficult time for you. even though five years may seem a long time to some, when it comes to healing, it can take time.... no-one really knows how long. were there things you did with your father or happy times you shared that you would like to share at all? sometimes I find it really helps me to talk about people I have loved and lost. I think for me, the feeling of loss is lessened somewhat when I am able to describe the things I liked so much about them and things we did together that made me happy and valued. also just to recall with warmth how much these people meant to me. big hugs to you xxxxx

08-02-14, 18:33
you poor thing. Life can be horrible sometime but you need to remember that we're all on this planet for a brief moment and that all good things have to come to an end. Try to keep strong and make the most of the life you have. Your father would also want you to be happy and make the most of it.