View Full Version : wobbley/dizzy feeling

08-02-14, 16:28
Hey I have a question and want to know if anyone else has had this and if theres anything to help?

Basically its hard to discribe I dont want to say dizzy because the room doesn't spin or anything like that but when im standing still it almost feels like im swaying or gently moving up and down? Like im on a boat? I seem to get it more when im stressed out but it stops when I lay down and close my eyes and relax or if im sitting or driving? I have had this on and off before it seems to affect me more when I go through something big for me. I took a huge leap last week and drove 200 miles from home and stayed at a hotel for 3 days for a training course with work I first noticed it there and it got worse and worse and hasn't let up much since i came home. Its a very odd sensation its almost like im not with it? (Im probably not as I constantly think about things and analyse them).

Anyone have this? Or had it? Anything that helps? Is it normal? What causes it?


08-02-14, 16:51
I recently had a short recurrence of anxiety and feeling like that was the worst symptom for me.
I'm ok now and the dizziness has gone.

08-02-14, 17:04
I can handle the other symptoms this one just literally gets in the way of every day life I find! Glad yours has cleared up now!

08-02-14, 17:11
Yeah it's awful. I just carried on with life as best I could even with the dizziness, and it slowly improved.
Try not to let it stop you doing anything, you'll get there:)

08-02-14, 20:15
this is quite a common symptom with anxiety and i suffered with it a lot! its very scary but its likely just a response to being too tense or perhaps you have noticed you will hold your breath? i had this feeling when i am in large groups of people and i was watching my breathing too much. could make you feel a little lightheaded, i also found when i started to get anxious or was thinking on my own i would feel really detached almost floating around, weird right... turns out its a symptom of anxiety called derealisation/depersonalisation, harmless x theres a lot of info in the symptoms section on the sidebar of the site, look up dizzyness and derealisation/depersonalisation it might help xxx :hugs:

08-02-14, 20:28
Thanks grace! Yes I can definitely relate to that! Its shocking that slowly and without realisation that this can creep up on us! Xxx

08-02-14, 20:31
Hi yeah Iv suffered with the same as you ,it lasted for a year and half because I was so bad with anxiety at the time had alot going on all I could do was think about my dizziness ,I went and had cbt this really helped me ,I still get dizzy spells on and off but I learnt how to cope with it now have you had cbt might be worth a try x

08-02-14, 20:36
glad i could help :D yeah it is surprising how it works out, i managed to get mine to fade out a bit by concentrating on other things, breathing techniques help but doing mental exercises to distract you are good when you can't escape the situation, the one that helped me when i was out and about was counting 5 things i could see then 5 things i could hear and repeating that until i was worrying less about being anxious!

14-07-14, 00:45
I couldn't of described my own situation better! Exact feeling I get, only when standing or walking sometimes. I feel dizzy and all hot and bothered and in addition when exercising all weak and like I could collapse. Even when just standing still sometimes!

Good to know I am not the only one! I wish you well!

14-07-14, 11:26
If you look on the NHS website under GAD, the very first symptom listed is dizziness, so I really wouldn't worry too much about it :) it's nothing harmful. Try deep breathing if you don't do it already. I found that ignoring it is the best cure. I never had dizziness related to GAD but I did used to get it at my time of the month and I just used to ignore it. It went away soon after I got up :)