View Full Version : does this sound like fibromyalgia??

08-02-14, 18:12
quick brief update

started suffering PA in 1997 after grandad died and have done ever since - only breif weeks maybe months good

a week ago these are all the symptoms that began again and still here today
neck pain (occasional throbs)
heaviness in chest and occasional right sided pain
jaw pain (occasional throbs)
ear ache
tooth ache (altoigh do have 3 broken teeth)
underarm pain in both arms
arms feels heavy
stiffness in fingers (occasional)
needing the occisanional nap
heaviness in upper and lower legs
stomach discomfort

i did manage to childmind for a few hours yesterday and today but the anxiety has just heightenee a few hours ago to my dreaded fear of heart attacks in women

ps im 40 female smoker & drinker -

bloods etc at docs nov 2012 all normal slighty high red clount and low vitamin b (take vit b tabs now)- cholesterol average for uk

dont take any medication as such apart from paracetamol and kalms and contraceptive injection

thanks for reading and hopefully helping ease my mind

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 17:21 ----------

im now so worked up im in tears and terrifed its my heart now - its just moving from place to place (the pain) and more constantt

08-02-14, 18:47
Hi i have had some of your symptoms even today and fibromyalgia was 1 of my 100 diseases i thought i had in the last 5 months of visiting my doctor and next week i will have a new disease for her to test me for
That's anxiety for you :unsure:
Hope it gets better soon for you.

08-02-14, 18:54
Leajulie, take a look at the left hand side of the page at the symptoms section. Every symptom that you've listed sounds just like anxiety. You said that you have had panic attacks for seventeen years. I'm sure that the rational side of you recognizes all of these symptoms or you wouldn't be posting on an anxiety website

I have thought that I have had so many terrible diseases but it's always been the one disease that I knew that I had. Anxiety. I think one of the reasons that it's so hard to accept is that we create and are responsible for our own anxiety. We can go back to being in charge of our lives.

What are you doing for your anxiety at this time?

08-02-14, 20:10
thanks all and tanner

i have been watching tv and reading a book to try and occupy my mind - hubby just came in and said he felt the same as did his boss so we are also now thinking it may be a bug of some sorts

still in my mind re heart but i know myself i suppose its anxiety but always have the thought - what if this time it isnt just anxiety

08-02-14, 20:16
Looking at symptoms seems more anxiety related than fibromyalgia although symptoms of both are very alike. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 12 years ago and go through times of doubt thinking it's not fibro it's anxiety then it's not anxiety it's fibro, madness but I do think in my heart of hearts it's fibro, anxiety seems to come as part of that package. If you look at the certain areas of the body (18 of them) and do the pressure point test this is a good starting point in regards to fibromyalgia, I certainly feel pain when pressure is exerted to these points whereas sufferers of anxiety only, rarely do. Hope this helps, and please remember fibromyalgia is NOT a life threatening illness, not nice but controllable with meds.


08-02-14, 20:20
thanks barry

have you a link to where i can find out the pressure points

08-02-14, 20:36
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia several years ago and I don't really think that your symptoms sound like it exactly...but I am a sufferer, not a doctor!
The tender points are described on the Fibromyalgia Site which is easy to access. The 'all over ache ' is one of the most common symptoms, and headaches, poor sleep and IBS are often present too. There is fatigue which can lead to depression. However I believe that the 18 tender points are the clincher!!
Hope you get some answers.
As Fibro sufferers say " gentle hugs"

09-02-14, 18:32
thanks valleybear - feel much better today so think it was a bug but will deff read up on what ou said tonight

22-02-14, 19:56
still dont feel right but dont think it fibro now i am 100% sure its my heart as alln the same symptoms returned this morning :( but bp and pulse is great = pulse 83 bp 134/86 which is amazing for me

23-02-14, 07:37
It is likely that the jaw pain, tooth pain and even neck pain and earache is due to your broken teeth. As for your other symptoms, sounds like it could be anxiety or just your body responding to a virus. Your BP isn't too bad for an anxiety sufferer so i wouldn't be too concerned about it being a heart problem. Have you been to the doctor since these symptoms started?

23-02-14, 07:58
You 'know' that heart pain doesn't move about as you have said yours is doing.
As the others have said fibro isn't the wrist thing you could be diagnosed with but it all sounds bug like or anxiety x

23-02-14, 20:10
thanks guys

havent been to docs yet as trying to get registered with social doc as free as i was working but having bit of a nightmare

23-02-14, 20:56
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 12 years ago and go through times of doubt thinking it's not fibro it's anxiety then it's not anxiety it's fibro, madness but I do think in my heart of hearts it's fibro, anxiety seems to come as part of that package. If you look at the certain areas of the body (18 of them) and do the pressure point test this is a good starting point in regards to fibromyalgia, I certainly feel pain when pressure is exerted to these points whereas sufferers of anxiety only, rarely do. Hope this helps, and please remember fibromyalgia is NOT a life threatening illness, not nice but controllable with meds.
I relate with just about everything in Barry's experience.

I was diagnosed with fibro 10 years ago, and I've been able to manage without meds, except for the occasional over-the-counter pain medication.

To be honest, the diagnosis came as a relief, because I knew I'd be able to live a long and relatively active life, especially if I took care of myself through diet and exercise.

To answer the question in the first post of this thread, I have had most of those symptoms, so to me they sound like my experience with fibro.

As others have said, it's always important to rule out other conditions with your doctor. In my case, we arrived at the fibro diagnosis after everything else had been ruled out. It took 1.5 years to arrive at that diagnosis, but as I said, it was always a relief when other, more serious issues were ruled out along the way. And when I knew it was fibro, I was able to think of stepping into my future again. And it's been a bright future too. :)

So, hang in there and keep checking in with us whenever you need support.