View Full Version : Taking Venlafaxine and Mirtazapine, quitting the latter CT

09-02-14, 00:27
Hey, long time browser, first time poster, but this site has this site has given me so much great input, but I have a question for the community:

I take 150mg Venlafaxine daily (and have been for about 5 months, switching from Citalopram). 3 months ago, my NP started me on 15mg Mirtazapine at night (this is the latest of night-time secondary antidepressants I've taken over the last year, including Trazodone and Quetiapine. Two weeks ago, the Mirtazapine was bumped up to 30mg to help with over-sedation. Consequently, my prescription ran out two weeks early, my insurance company won't refill for a few days, and I was late trying to refill it (and had problems getting to the pharmacy in time), so I haven't taken it since Wednesday night (my last 15mg), so I'm on my third day off. I won't be able to get back on for another two days (at best), and generally have been less-than-thrilled with the medication. I generally don't like making decisions about my medications without talking to my doctor/s, but I have two questions, if anybody else has experience: 1) I will be remaining on the Venlafaxine. As they are both SNRIs, will my withdrawal be less severe? and 2) if not, would withdrawal from Mirtazapine (at a relatively small dose for a relatively short time) still be bad enough to start taking it again and taper properly? As-is, I feel slightly nauseated/headachey and mood-swingier than normal, but it's tolerable. I'm ready to stop sleeping 10-14 hours a day with little else to show for it than weight gain.

Thanks in advance.

09-02-14, 23:54
3 months is a short time to be on an antidepressant, but long enough to require a taper, probably one lasting no more than a month. Mirtazapine has strong sedating properties owing to its antagonism of histamine and adrenalin receptors.

How did you find going off the other two 'sedating' drugs you took? Or did you switch directly onto other sedatives first?