View Full Version : A lot of anxiety!

21-11-06, 15:58
I was here the other day and thankful that I found peope like me. I have had really bad headaches for about 3 weeks. (this week is the start of the 3) I am so scared that it is something really bad! I can't stop thinking of all the bad things that it could be. I have read on line stuff and the things that they said cause headaches is down right scary! I had to stop googling because there were things that I haven't even thought of!!!! I have an appointment today and I am so anxisous it is terrifing! I talk to people about my headaches and some say your fine, just stress. It didn't start due to stress, but I think part of it is now. THen there are those F@#kin people who say did you hear about so and so...he had headaches and it was a cancerous tumor. I even talked to my mom and she says "you better get that check out, do you know what happened to uncle steve?" No I didn't, but just said yes so I didn't have to hear another bad story! I feel like I am going to puke waiting for this appointment. What if it is somthing bad! I am in the process of buying a house and off birth control to try to have a child. urhhhhhhhhhhhhh[V]

Christina :-)

21-11-06, 16:06

My main symtom of anxiety is the headache.
I had it for 2 years (24/7) and had all the tests done and everything was normal and headaches put down to anxiety.

Mine go when another symtom or worry arrises.

Try eating a meal and see if the headache goes during the meal. Sounds silly but I noticed it eased.

It's best to see a doctor first though to get him to check you over.
They can tell by looking into your eyes.

Let us all know how you get on!


21-11-06, 16:07
Hi Christina

It sounds like there is a lot going on with you at the moment.

I moved earlier this year and even though it was a reletively easy move compared with what some people go through, I got myself in a real state! I had palpitations and terrible back pain and headaches that were basically a result of tension. Planning a pregnancy is also a massive life change. Even if it is something that you really want to do, it can still be very daunting. It is no wonder you are suffering from headaches!

If you are anything like a lot of us too, the more you worry about having a headache, the worse it will be. It is like a vicious circle.

I think you are doing the right thing going to the doctors if it just puts your mind at rest.

I hope you are feeling better soon and good luck with the move and with having a family.

Take care x

Jo xx