View Full Version : Northerner in the South - UK

09-02-14, 03:48
Hi everybody!

I'm from the North-East of England and in the past 6 months moved down to London for a job placement year from my University, a job placement which is meant to finish at the end of September.

I've 23 years old and I've been tackling depression on and off for nearly 7 years now, since my Father passed away in mid-2007.

(It's just hit me how long it has been after writing that out... wow!)

My depression has been managed by anti-depressants and I've just come off them for the third or fourth time in January. In that respect I'm feeling fine but I'm well aware my current issues could be somewhat related to that.

I'll keep it relatively brief for the introductory thread. At the moment I'm getting anxious about London (it's much more overwhelming than I imagined it would be) and specifically where I live. It's affecting my hygience and health in a huge way which is in turn affecting my work. I've put on so much weight because of it in the last 6 months that I struggle to climb the stairs at work without gasping for breath, which wasn't the case when I first joined.

I'm hoping I can talk to some people on here who've perhaps gone through the same or a similar transition in their life, because I may be here long past the end of September. The company I'm working for are potentially preparing a job offer for me; but it is a job offer which I've been told I have to start making progress in battling my personal demons in order to fit the bill.

I've also got a really big history of starting things and not following through with them, a history which I hope does not affect my time on this forum!

So yeah, hi everyone and I look forward to posting alongside you!

09-02-14, 17:34
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

09-02-14, 18:55