View Full Version : Hello All - A bit about myself

09-02-14, 10:38

I thought I would just leave an introductory message as I am new to this.

I am a 29 (30 very soon!) year old male, like to think I have a good sense of humour (I still follow Manchester United which requires one at the moment). I have worked in roles supporting people and have supported myself to study up to and including a degree while working full time a few years ago.

Now to the miserable stuff. I have suffered anxiety since I was around 16 although I did not understand it properly at the time. I have also had Acid Reflux as well since I was 19 although it wasn't picked up until I was about 26. Although not a major thing in the grand scheme of things I would have changed my diet and stuff sooner although I was told I had asthma not reflux based on the fact my mum is asthmatic (without proper investigation!).

My reason for getting involved with this forum has been some recent more severe symptoms that have been causing me much distress over the last few weeks. My stress and anxiety over the last two years culminating from losing two family members and a job I loved due to the economic downturn caused me to catastrophize in my new job and life in general. I thought however through the run up to Christmas this year that I was in a better place through CBT and working with my supportive boss to make my work life less stress free for me to get myself better.

I was ready for Christmas and felt ready for the break and just switching off from everything involved with responsibilities and my daily worries. Here comes the but....

On Christmas Day I started to have some panic symptoms around family I had known for years. These symptoms had started at work weeks before where by I could not breath or focus properly, my legs felt like jelly when walking and I felt a tight feeling in my stomach. I was also avoiding eating at work due to fear of choking.

I had to go to bed on Christmas Day however and could not eat or drink. My eyesight when weird like pre-migraine aura but not quite. I was urinating every drop of liquid I was consuming and at times it hurt. I went to see the out of hours Boxing Day and was diagnosed through testing that I had a UTI. Sorted, anti-biotic and I would be right as rain, result!

However, 5 weeks on as I sit today I am still having vision problems that have been accompanied with memory troubles, difficulties with my speech (or though only picked up by me) fatigue and many other symptoms that mimic the many scary brain problems that I fear. And I feel like I different person, yet I don't feel that people listen.

Through persistence I have a hospital appointment next week to see another doctor but it has been a long battle since Christmas.

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated and sharing experiences would help me realise it is not something sinister. I am also not a bad listener and would be happy to support others as I have seen on this really great website.


blue moon
09-02-14, 11:56
Hi Joe:D Welcome to NMP hope you enjoy the site and all it has to offer.

Petra x:D

10-02-14, 23:12
Hey Joe, I'm about the same age, and though what we're experiencing is different, I am interested in hearing how it's turning out for you. You mentioned you were going to a doctor - has anything come of it now that it's about a month later? Let me know!

11-02-14, 11:58
Will let you know how I get on, I'm actually at the Hospital today with regards my ongoing symptoms.
