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View Full Version : everyday have different symptoms

09-02-14, 13:49
Hey everyone i'm new here.why everyday i have different symptoms. Is that normal for anxiety? Can i ever be normal again?

09-02-14, 13:54
One day cramp sensations in foot another day neck ache. 24/7 blurred vision. One day nausea, another day normal bowel movement, the other 4 times. 24/7 nerves out of whack. Part of day tense jaw. Hope that's a bit of an insight. X

09-02-14, 14:05
For me is upper back middle back lower back. Upper stomach lower stomach. Neck. On my side under my ribs.but all the symptoms is happened on my left side of body.

09-02-14, 16:16
At this moment I have weird ache in my right palm of my hand and bruised sensation when touching a very small part behind my left ear. Different from this morning, which we're cramp sensation in both arches of feet. And nauseas in the last 10 mins........ Bloody shitter.

09-02-14, 18:25
Guys, you don't have 'symptoms'. What you have are the normal, everyday sensations that everyone has. The difference is that you are so tuned in to what your body is doing that you notice every single sensation. Because you have anxiety, you then assign importance (always negative) to these sensations. Of course, being anxious in itself produces a whole world of unpleasant sensations as well.

09-02-14, 22:55
I hope nothing wrong with me too. But sometimes what my body feel is so real. I can't control myself to not think. :huh:

09-02-14, 23:00
With HA, you're hyper aware of your body so it's not unusual to notice little niggles that under normal circumstances would be totally ignored.

With the number of physical symptoms that are manifested by anxiety it's a wonder more people don't suffer from HA. If I were to specifically account for all the niggles I feel in a day, I'd be a mess! ~lol~

Positive thoughts