View Full Version : how many of you ave really had a better life through citalopram

09-02-14, 14:56
Its like we suffer anxiety and panic agoraphobic just started first time after suffering forty years decided to try something there only 10mg scared of side effect I decided to cut it in half for one week then up it got some diazipam as well only 2mg I no they are both low dose but for me its an achievement to even try them but reading alot of threads not just on medication thread but all others they still on here suffering yet on cit just don't get it take care x

09-02-14, 16:29
heya, It took me a long time on them (4 months) going up from 20mg (the therapeutic dose) to 40mg... where after a month on them I am feeling good again.

unfortunately everyone is different wit ssri's and what suits one doesn't suit another so a lot of it is trial and error

09-02-14, 17:33
I thought citraplam was brilliant

09-02-14, 17:38
I'm feeling better...but it has taken two months.

09-02-14, 19:44
Thanks just see so many suffering yet they take cit xx

Cú Chulainn
09-02-14, 19:54
Well when they're feeling good and happy I doubt they're going to be spending much time on this site posting how great they feel.

09-02-14, 20:00
Hi, i took cit for years and led a great anxiety Free life, came off it and relapsed and unfortunately it didn't work for me second time around :( x x

09-02-14, 21:12
Citraplam gave me my life back , it worked brilliant for me but I had no sex drive while talking so now I want to come off.
I don't regret talking it as it did massively help me

09-02-14, 22:09
Like you I've fought for many, many years not to take medication as I am very pill phobic. On Thursday I started on citalopram 10mg and am supposed to up this to 20mg after a week. This is my fourth day and so far I have had no side effects ...hoping it lasts! My doctor also prescribed diazepam 2mg to take 2, 3 times a day. So far I have taken 1, 3 times a day. I wake very anxious but have been for a long time. It does seem to have increased, but I just reach for the diazepam. I feel I've got to give myself the best possible chance. I have told myself I am not going to have side effects! I am also taking esomeprazole for my stomach which the GP is sure is anxiety created. My main problem is health anxiety (of the avoidance variety, terrified of anything medical!) It is an enormous achievement for me to take these (it took me 20 years to take a paracetamol) but I feel I owe it to myself and my family to try it. Like you I was scared of all the horror stories, but I am trying to be very positive. Good luck x
Ps. The diazepam is just until the citalopram kick in

09-02-14, 22:25
Hi I have ocd intrusive thoughts , I been on citraplam for two years , I was so bad I was glad of them and they don't frighten me at all. I had no side effects maybe a bit anxious first few days but didn let it bother me then it went away . I was 99 percent better I just had no sex drive and I have finance and getting married In august and want to start trying for a baby soon that's the only reason I coming off or I stay with them . I had cbt to a lots of positive thinking from Louise hays books

09-02-14, 22:37
Sharing on here really helps too. I had no idea that people were going thru the same stuff as me. I don't feel alone any more, I don't feel so scared either.

Cit has really helped me but I don't want to be taking it forever. I say that because it has made things more bearable but I want to cope without it again one day. I will have to face that one day - been on and off it for four years but only 2 months at such a high dose 40mg.

10-02-14, 22:11
Thanks for yr replies I hope I can stay on s low dose take care xx

angel wings
19-02-14, 18:04
cit took a while for me to work but was on them for just over a year and a half and worked really well for my anxiety i stopped them just before christmas was ok up until now and fear im having a relapse so annoyed with myself as i was doing so well !!!

22-02-14, 19:36
I started on 20mg Citalopram in early November & have been on 40mg since the week before Xmas because the lower dose did nothing for me at all.

From the second day on 40mg my negative inner voice was much easier to deal with & the extremely disturbing intrusive thoughts about self-harm were almost completely gone. Sadly I have had no further improvements then & still feel profoundly depressed & emotionally fragile most of the time.

I can temporarily distract from the depression by watching something interesting/funny on the TV or when I am in the company of good friends, but as soon as my mind catches up with itself, the sadness & depression crashes back like a tidal wave.

I also seem to be far more emotionally unstable, with even the slightest hint of negativity in the voice of friends/family being enough to shatter my self confidence & cause me to obsessively worry that they regard me as an unwanted burden.

I really wish that I experienced the gradual improvements that everyone else seems to describe as I honestly don't feel like I am getting any better. The increase to 40mg helped a lot, but it seems like I will probably need to follow my doctor's suggestion of an even higher dose or possibly try a different drug altogether.

26-02-14, 12:26
I've improved no end....like others, it took a while to work and I'm only on 10mg but that was enough to stabilise and think straighter...

Like a previous poster said, when people feel better they will visit here less, I'm one of them, I just pop back to see what's going on etc...most people will comment while they're going through troubles so the posts may be mostly on the down side.....stick with it.....it gets better :yesyes:

03-03-14, 13:01
I took it for 4 months just over 4 1/2 years ago and have been fine ever since until recently due to our cottage being flooded and having to leave it for up to 12 months.
I started taking 20mg last week and side effects have been a lot less noticable than last time.

05-03-14, 10:34
I have been on it about 3 years now and it is still working really well for me. I am on 40 mg.

07-03-14, 20:07
I have recently just started taking Citalopram so its obviously too early to tell how it'll work for me but here's hoping it works. I had an awful time on Prozac so was switched to 10mg of Citalopram.

07-03-14, 22:58
I have been on it about 3 years now and it is still working really well for me. I am on 40 mg.

That gives me hope Amy, gave you ever reduced your dose?