View Full Version : Lump on the back of my head?

09-02-14, 17:17
Ok, I'm trying not to worry about this, but the other day I found a lump on the back of my head. It's on the left side, and there's nothing similar on the right.
It hurts a bit if i push on it.....anyone experienced anything similar/knows what it might be?
Thanks in advance :)

09-02-14, 17:47
It could be a pimple or a cyst. Only your Dr can confirm what it is but if it hurts, my experience is that its nothing serious.

09-02-14, 19:39
A Cyst?! :scared10: :wacko:
I'm only a teenager though.....are those common in teenagers?

09-02-14, 19:55
Could even be a node, or a skin reaction to dying/shampoo :)

09-02-14, 22:15
....I havn't dyed my hair, and it couldn't be the shampoo because i use it on a regular basis and have never had any problems with it..... :-/

09-02-14, 22:21
I'm not trying to confuse you but it may even be a bite :)

As hheavenlyangel said, if it's sore/hurts then it's most likely nothing bad.

09-02-14, 22:33
Hey, is it a hard bony lump?? I found a hard lump on left side just level with top of my ear when I was 17, wasn't Overly concerned then as i didn't have ha. Seen my gp few weeks later and it was a normal opcipital (spelling??) bone which is part of the skull. Mine was sore because i had knocked my head a day before. Any chance its that? If its not bony than it could be a spot or a cyst as the hairline is very common place for cysts.. Sorry not been much help x

10-02-14, 22:09
Hi everyone.....
lump's still there and I'm worrying it's bone cancer or a tumor or something...it's making me afraid of dying in my sleep (I know it's dramatic and silly) :-/

10-02-14, 22:39
Odds are it's completely harmless but do check it with your GP. Do it sooner rather than later-the more you wait, the more afraid of it you'll be.

The most plausible explanation is that you bumped your head in your sleep and that caused swelling.

Bone cancer presents itself with excruciating pain, and brain tumours don't cause lumps as they occur inside the skull.

It will certainly not kill you in your sleep-you do not have cancer, that's one thing, and another is that cancers don't work that way.

Go to your GP, follow his advice and stop freaking out-it'll be over soon ;)