View Full Version : Cooking apples worry

09-02-14, 18:31
I have just bitten a couple of times into a cooking apple and noticed it wasn't normal because of how sour it was. Though nothing on it until my brother in law made a comment and then I looked online and am so scared. Are they dangerous?

09-02-14, 18:34
No they are not dangerous, sour cooking apples don't taste good eaten raw but are good for cooking or making jam. It won't harm you eating it raw.

09-02-14, 18:38
As far as I know they are fine to eat raw though most people, like me, find them too tart and acidic. People often put them in salads or eat them with cheese. I have never seen anything that says they will make you ill.

09-02-14, 18:40
Raw cooking apples are so gross raw, super super sour! But not harmful. I agree with Annie0904 if you've got cooking apples kicking around make a crumble!

09-02-14, 18:43
I hope so, I didn't have much but I hate google. Tasted horrible.

09-02-14, 18:49
You are not meant to eat cooking apples - hence the name "cooking" lol.

They are far too tart to eat but no way can they harm you - why do you think this?

09-02-14, 19:04
Google worried me as even on the search bar the word poison comes up. Feel sick thinking about it. Thought they were normal apples until I bit into it a couple of
Times then clicked on.

09-02-14, 19:14
What did you put in google? It doesn't come up with poison when I put cooking apples in google and they are certainly not poisonous.

09-02-14, 19:19
Just looked and I think it's the seeds in apples which can be a bit poisonous. Thank you for putting my mind at ease everyone. I'm now panicking as to why I bought cooking apples and then bit into one without thinking...this is not a normal apple . Dementia worries again. Oh well...I'm getting there

09-02-14, 19:20
Make yourself a nice apple crumble :)

09-02-14, 20:03
:WTF: Good Lord Sean! C'mon Man... Getta a F'in grip will ya? You've been doing well... why let a piece of completely edible innocent yet sour fruit throw you off course?

Positive thoughts

09-02-14, 21:40
Haha your right, I need to calm down and let the anxiety die down before starting a thread. A few weeks ago I would have been thinking about this for ages. Instead I'm watching the football and not worrying.

09-02-14, 22:04
Good Man! Football (American) has ended here. Arrrggg... Have to wait until August for the pre-season.....

Positive thoughts

10-02-14, 17:24
Ooooo cooking apples are mega sour that's why they cooking apples you add sugar to them and when they are in your pie or crumble they taste yummy :)

10-02-14, 17:38
From cooking apples to dementia-HA is really one funny disease :D