View Full Version : Dose advice

09-02-14, 19:21
So visiting my GP tomorrow, have successfully dropped Mirtazapine and seem to have survived the worst of withdrawal from that and starting cit at 20 mg.

Generally feeling a bit meh, I don't feel bad but can still feel myself worrying about things and can remember the first few days of taking cit where for all of the dodgy side effects I actually felt good and found myself thinking positively about long term. I am back now to middle of the road, I don't really want to stop here now that I have seen how I can feel.

Should I be asking to increase dose?

09-02-14, 22:07
how long have you been on 20mg?

09-02-14, 22:13
Only a couple of weeks, but not sure if I want to sit and wait. I know I am being a bit stupid but that positivity is something I want back and worry I may just level out and forget I what it could be like. Very prone to making do.

09-02-14, 22:16
Ask your GP about increasing the dose. I increased mine to 40mg after I 'flipped' out at Christmas. I knew that it was right for me.

Feel a lot more stable now but the side effects were quite severe with this dose and it has taken 8 weeks to feel 'better'.

I should add that my GP said that 40mg was the largest dose that he would recommend.

09-02-14, 22:20
I would stick at 40mg for now. You should give antidepressants a good 6-8 weeks, ideally 12 weeks, before deciding that they aren't for you. Give it another month at 20 and if you have no improvement maybe speak to your GP again.