View Full Version : Going Made

09-02-14, 19:25
Hi, I am new on here and not sure what should or should not write so am just going to spill it all out, sorry if random at times or long winded but no one else to explain this to.... I always think someone I love/know is going to get really sick or die (this includes myself), there may be no reason behind the thoughts, can be driving along and start to worry that I may crash and die, I always dream that someone I love is dying, I get panicky whenever I have to do something I have not done before, I dont like to go out at night anymore in case someone starts fighting or worse stabs me or my partner, I worry if someone is walking along behind me in case they attack me or follow me home. I am struggling to get to sleep at night as i spend ages lying there worrying that something bad is going to happen to me or my partner. I am always worried I have some major illness, cancer, heart attack, I have had them all in my head! I know i need help but i dont know where to turn to :-(

09-02-14, 19:52
Talk to your GP. In my area we also have a self referral for psychological services where you have an initial appointment and then you can have counselling or cbt. There are also online cbt courses ( free) and I think there are links about them on this site, or others will probably reply and tell you. Please try and get some help as you don't want your anxiety to rule your life. Anxiety UK and Mind also have lots of information on these issues. You are not alone and you will find lots of support and information on here. Now that you have recognised that you have a problem I'm sure you will soon start on the road to recovery. I wish you well x