View Full Version : Back from the doctors!

21-11-06, 19:32
I went to the doctors for my annual physical and we mostly talked about my darn headaches. Good news, for now, there is no evidence that I have a brain tumor! HOwever, they are not sure what is casuing the headaches. My GP to told me to take suphedrine (nasal decongestant) and gave me something called AMIDRINE for the pain. I was told that I have exstremely high cholestrol and I should be on meds to control it! MY triglicerides (sp) are so high, they doubled from last year. I now have to cut back on carbs and sugar! Candy and chocolate are my savior! GREAT one thing is kinda taken care of and another pops up! Is there ever an end to this!??[:O]

Christina :-)

21-11-06, 21:38
Hi Christina

At least its not a brain tumour! And speaking from experience sinus headaches can be extremely painful if you get them, so maybe the spray will help. I also(!) have tension headaches. The name makes them seem minor but when they won't quit its a nightmare.

My hubby had same trouble with doc. He gave a smoking, then told to lose weight. Then told his liver was bad (now much improved), now told blood pressure too high! He's not keen to go again! lol


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

22-11-06, 14:27
You might find that cutting out the chocolate helps improve your anxiety, so it's not all bad!!!