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View Full Version : banged my head on wall badly-worried

09-02-14, 21:31
Hi All,

I have been doing so well i have even come off my antidepressants :yesyes:

so basically last night my partner and I went out, I ended up having far to much to drink and fell back and banged the base of my head top of neck on the wall, it was so bad that the barman came out as he heard the bang and asked if i was ok.

i went straight home and as i'd had to much to drink fell straight to sleep, i woke up this morning and was in so much pain that i went to the hospital they checked me out and said id be fine.

as the day has worn on it hurts more, to move my head up and down to touch there is a lump and hurts, i don't think i've got anything wrong internally as i haven't been sick, i didn't lose conscious, no dizzyness, i'm worried i may have done something to my neck as it didn't hurt this morning so don't think the dr checked it out enough, please help. x

09-02-14, 22:02
Hi All,

I have been doing so well i have even come off my antidepressants :yesyes:

so basically last night my partner and I went out, I ended up having far to much to drink and fell back and banged the base of my head top of neck on the wall,

This is typically a symptom of drunkenness and not recommended if suffering from anxiety disorder

it was so bad that the barman came out as he heard the bang and asked if i was ok.

i went straight home and as i'd had to much to drink

Ya think?

fell straight to sleep, i woke up this morning and was in so much pain that i went to the hospital they checked me out and said id be fine.

as the day has worn on it hurts more, to move my head up and down to touch there is a lump and hurts,

In my best Gomer Pyle voice... Surprise, surprise surprise

i don't think i've got anything wrong internally as i haven't been sick, i didn't lose conscious, no dizzyness, i'm worried i may have done something to my neck as it didn't hurt this morning so don't think the dr checked it out enough, please help. x

Help: DON'T DRINK! do you realize how obvious the solution to this problem is? Drinking and anxiety don't mix. Drinking to excess, regardless of anxiety isn't the smartest thing to do. Being that medical professionals checked you out and told you you'd be Ok, I think you can trust what they say. In the future, refrain from alcoholic consumption and I believe you won't have bartenders checking your well being.

Positive thoughts

09-02-14, 22:39
Thanks for the reply I don't think u needed to be rude, this is my first post here and was posting for support not for someone to reply in the way u did. Yes I no I shouldn't have drunk so much I do not normally, we all make mistakes, I don't think there is anything wrong for people suffering with anxiety to drink as long as u no what to expect the next day.

09-02-14, 22:48
I'm sorry you took my somewhat sarcastic and tongue and cheek response as rude. I've been on this site for some time and I don't shy away from telling it like it is.

Regardless of what you think about anxiety and drinking, what I said is spot on. I had oral cancer. Would you be sympathetic if I complained about a sore throat after smoking? I think not. First post or several down the pike, drinking and anxiety don't mix... if you're taking meds, it's especially adverse.

That being said, I certainly recognize the supportive aspect of the forum but behavior contrary to your well being does not warrant support. I'm sorry you took offense. In the future, don't drink.

Positive thoughts

09-02-14, 23:00
In the future I will drink I am not on medication anymore as it states in my original post, your opinion is to not drink with anxiety it doesn't make it right, I agree u shouldn't drink as much as I obviously did, but why shouldn't we have the odd glass of wine just because we suffer from anxiety. I could have lied and said I fell over but what was the point to be honest I didn't expect a response like yours.

I can see u have been on this forum for a long time, however that does not give you the right to make people feel worse than they already do!

Thank u for putting me off this forum, which I thought was here to help people!

I have suffered health anxiety for 3 years after having an ectopic pregnancy and was bleeding internally, I nearly died in surgery. I have looked at posts from this forum for the past two years and never posted myself until today, it always helped me that I wasn't alone and they are people out there who have the same horrid thoughts I do!

09-02-14, 23:04
Welcome to the sight, you will get used to fishmanpa believe me he is a lovely guy - we all need someone like him to tell us how it is :) with regards to your post, sorry you are worrying, if you've been checked out and they have said your fine - you are. My children are always bumping in school etc and are ok :) just another war wound to show off. As for drinking, your entitled to have a good time but just be careful that your actions don't fuel your anxiety to spiral if that makes sense. I hope your better soon x

09-02-14, 23:13
Thank u, I'm sorry I'm just feeling really crap, i no I drank to much and I won't be doing it again. Xx

09-02-14, 23:13
In the future I will drink I am not on medication anymore as it states in my original post,

That's your decision and certainly your right to do so. It has been shown from a medical perspective, this is not wise.

your opinion is to not drink with anxiety it doesn't make it right, I agree u shouldn't drink as much as I obviously did, but why shouldn't we have the odd glass of wine just because we suffer from anxiety. I could have lied and said I fell over but what was the point to be honest I didn't expect a response like yours.

I can see u have been on this forum for a long time, however that does not give you the right to make people feel worse than they already do!

That was not my intention but unfortunately, words on a screen do not offer conotation nor inflection. My intention was to make you go :doh: That was not the end result and again I apologize.

Thank u for putting me off this forum, which I thought was here to help people!

That is totally your choice. I'm here to learn more about the disorder and now especially as my daughter suffers from it.

I have suffered health anxiety for 3 years after having an ectopic pregnancy and was bleeding internally, I nearly died in surgery. I have looked at posts from this forum for the past two years and never posted myself until today, it always helped me that I wasn't alone and they are people out there who have the same horrid thoughts I do!

I'm sorry for your experience. I too have suffered greatly due to illness. I'm fortunate in that it didn't evoke anxiety but it did cause depression from which I sought treatment.

Again, my apologies if my words offended you (you have to be honest though... posting about a drinking binge and falling over drunk isn't exactly the best way to seek positive reinforcement ;) )

Positive thoughts

09-02-14, 23:18
Thank u, I may have over reacted but I was sat here panicking and was expecting a different reply to the one I received.

I am sorry to here your daughter is suffering with this horrible mental illness.

10-02-14, 00:11
Hun, you don't have to aplogize, we understand, you are most definitely in the right place here. Get some painkillers on board and try and rest, I remember back when I was out for a friends birthday, I had far too much to drink and fell twisted my ankle, it was only a day later I felt immense pain to realize I needed medical treatment - just a sprain. But usually you don't protect yourself so you are more prone to injury. Sorry to hear your experience of an eptopic. I can relate x

10-02-14, 09:20
Thanks Hun, it's nice to no that we are not alone, Health Anxiety can feel very lonely at times.

Normally i would be able to rationalise it but as i'm still in a lot of pain and it's my head that what is panicking me, going to try and be positive, i have a busy day with clients all day so it should keep me occupied. xxxx