View Full Version : 2nd Time round of CBT Counselling

10-02-14, 09:59
Hi All,

I have just self referred myself for CBT Counselling, I have had it before but i wasn't that successful,I believe that was because of myself not putting in 100%, I have also stopped my antidepressants 3 weeks ago and normally i'd be losing the plot and be worried about every little pain, but i'm not as bad but i do still have thoughts that do consume me, so I want to try and manage to beat this once and for all!!

Anyone had any experience with CBT Counselling? xx

10-02-14, 11:03
Hey, same as you actually...
I'm starting my enchanced integrative therapy tonight... I think it's a more intensive therapy. Tbh I'm crapping myself as my assessment was difficult!
I had CBT last year and it worked wonders though! I've just ha a relapse unfortunately...
You sound so positive though, it's great!

10-02-14, 11:10

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