View Full Version : is suicide an option?

10-02-14, 11:31
'm about done with my life..
i have done everything to try make myself worth something but i will always be a failure teen. i'm very intelligent and i'm not getting rewarded for anything i do.
i'm 15 and my brothers always tell me that i look 12 and that girls think of me as a little child.. i see myself as a 12 year old now. i've started to Develop low confidence and some social phobia, everybody walks all over me because i'm a nuisance who gets treated like A homeless person.
i get called ''immature'', my brothers friend is 16 and Smokes weed and does stealing. he gets called mature because he has sex.. but i'm technically Immature because i have no friends and they think of me as a babyface Child. i really need some assistance. no-more-panic really helps me i love your replies..
how do i stand up now and prove i'm a man and walk as if i'm the best how do i put a'n end to being treated poorly. i had a traumatic childhood.
now i suffer from Gad,Mild Separation anxiety,OCD and some Depression on a bad day.. UPDATE;2/10/14, a girl i really liked like a crush, told me i'm her little brother alot of girls tell me that. im so depressed should i just kill myself people will than cry and regret not being nice. i have no more confidence im pretty sad after what she told me, im so lost now

10-02-14, 11:50
It never should be an option.
It sounds like people are projecting their insecuries onto you because they see you have issues with how young you may look or they see you as less of a threat. The thing is even if you look that way (you are young and trust me, you'll grow in tour looks) the thing people se as the biggest threat is people who are themselves no matter what. You can't fake that and it can get you far. It's a rocky road. As a teen, I has similar things happen to me but luckily I didn't care enough to change things and once people knew they couldn't visibley upset me, they left me alone and befriended me.. The only problem I had was I bottled things up which has lead me to anxiey when I was 19, don't make the mistake of bottling things up.
As for the rejection from girls and the rejection feelings, it is always the making of us, it can help you suss people out, give you thicker skin if you let it. I've just had to walk way from some rubbish people to save my sanity. It won't always be like this for you.
What interests do you have? Maybe that can help you find friends. Music is a good way to make friends.

10-02-14, 12:02
hold strong young man,suicide only takes away the chance of recovery and living a good life

10-02-14, 14:39
Well said Mr Andy.

There is always a solution,and you should never give up your chance to make things better. xxx

Mora Mora
10-02-14, 15:14
Don't give up! And try not to compare yourself to your siblings, I have a twin sister (and while I have always suffered GAD and some depression, she was out being the social butterfly with all the self confidence) and I always made the mistake of comparing myself to her. After a long time of feeling low I finally pushed myself to do something out of my comfort zone and it changed my ill I finally found my place...
You will too I promise, like stay_gold says! what are your hobbies? Doing things like that will help build your self confidence but please please don't give up :)
Take it easy... Mora Mora x

10-02-14, 17:06

Please find an adult you can trust and speak to them about how you are feeling.


10-02-14, 17:41
Wait this out...I found a diary the other day from when I was 16, and it is full of self doubt, insecurity, no hope etc...I even wrote in it that I should be dead. It sound like a cliche but at this kind of age we dont always see things that clearly - tbh I still dont and its 17 years later, but it definitely does get better, just try to look outside yourself and hold on to even the tiniest bit of hope.

I do agree with the above poster who advised you finding someone you trust - is there ANYONE at all that you could confide in, a teacher, relative, aquaintance - literally anyone that you could trust to talk to even for ten minutes. It will help just to say out loud how you feel.

10-02-14, 18:00
Suicide is not an option NEVER. You're going through a really difficult time that all teenagers go through. Some lads physically grow up quickly, others don't.

If you want to do something practical to help yourself why don't you consider joining a gym? Lift some weights. Not only will you look good, bigger muscles that you can show off, your confidence will really shoot up because of how you look. All the weight lifting and exercise will release hormones that will lift your mood and make you feel happier.

Once you're bigger, it will be all the other boys who will be envious of you!!!

Make them jealous and kick sand in their face!

And as for the 16yo who's smoking weed and stealing - well who's the stupid one. He'll get into trouble for stealing and may end up with mental health problems in later life, something he'll have to cope with and get health care -something you won't! Let time pass, it will get better and you'll come out stronger both physically and mentally.

Now get down to that gym and get yourself a body to be proud of!

11-02-14, 23:20
To the OP:

Stop right there; suicide is never an option. It's not a form of revenge against the wrongs that you feel have been done to you, and it certainly isn't a solution to how you're feeling at the moment. There is no way back from suicide if you're successful - it's a one-way street. And if you're not successful, recovery can be slow and painful.

Get some professional support NOW.

12-02-14, 10:01
hello peter looking to the future perhaps you can make some changes to your life

your brother is picking on you he loves you mate he just wont admit it he thinks hes hard thats all

do you like having a laugh ALL THE TIME? sometimes it can backfire on you hot girls always say they want a boyfriend who makes them laugh its a load of rubbish

theyll meet up to cheer them up thats for sure whilst they tell you all there Drama bout trying to get with the school hunk who chats up all the other birds infront of there face your not there councillor never forget that mate

cut down on looking to reassure your self it will feed your anxiety issues

are you going to feel like the worlds over everytime a little thing goes wrong or that 1 girl doesnt like ya ??

ask yourself is your hair tidy are you dressed well ? are you clean shaven?

handle this well mate dont suddenly go out and make yourself look like a hip hop star if yesterday you needed scrubbing up

look forward to the future brudda youll meet someone possibly have children youll look back on this convo and realise what an amazing journey

Put AC DC whole lotta rosie on full blast and cheer yourself up chuck everything round your bedroom or something and remove these negative thoughts

tk care

12-02-14, 10:15
have you ever though people are putting you down because they feel threatened by you? You mentioned you're intelligent they might find this threatening. You sound like a smart guy focus on your positives. You're going to grow into your looks and chances are you will because the smart hot guy all the girls want. There's nothing cool about smoking weed and having loads of sex so don't compare yourself to that guy! I hope you manage to overcome these bad feelings xx

12-02-14, 10:29
'm about done with my life..
i have done everything to try make myself worth something but i will always be a failure teen. i'm very intelligent and i'm not getting rewarded for anything i do.
i'm 15 and my brothers always tell me that i look 12 and that girls think of me as a little child.. i see myself as a 12 year old now. i've started to Develop low confidence and some social phobia, everybody walks all over me because i'm a nuisance who gets treated like A homeless person.
i get called ''immature'', my brothers friend is 16 and Smokes weed and does stealing. he gets called mature because he has sex.. but i'm technically Immature because i have no friends and they think of me as a babyface Child. i really need some assistance. no-more-panic really helps me i love your replies..
how do i stand up now and prove i'm a man and walk as if i'm the best how do i put a'n end to being treated poorly. i had a traumatic childhood.
now i suffer from Gad,Mild Separation anxiety,OCD and some Depression on a bad day.. UPDATE;2/10/14, a girl i really liked like a crush, told me i'm her little brother alot of girls tell me that. im so depressed should i just kill myself people will than cry and regret not being nice. i have no more confidence im pretty sad after what she told me, im so lost now

Suicide is NEVER an option – I contemplated it a couple of times in this situation I am going through and then came to a conclusion – let them do their worst. Stand tall.

You will NEVER be a failure teen. You need to understand that right now. You are intelligent and obviously in a position where you can give a lot to people. As long as you can say that you have a good heart with a motivation to do nice things, that’s all that matters. To me, if people can’t appreciate that, doesn’t that paint a picture?

Your brothers sound immature as do the girls. Don’t let people walk over you. Join social clubs to build up your confidence and self esteem and I agree, you must talk to somebody, especially if thoughts of suicide are going through your mind. Talking DEFINITELY helps. Most of all, do NOT do it. There are people that care! I’m one of them.

I find your brother’s company disturbing – seems like he’s in with the wrong crowd. Is he mature because he has sex? Goodness, if it was such a mature thing, we’d all have done it by now. Sex is nothing more than an experience and if you never get to experience it, it does NOT make you immature. Sex, in my opinion, should be reserved for the right person and in the right circumstances.

Much like yourself, I have very few friends but I motivate myself by doing things that I enjoy – get yourself a good hobby, go on chat rooms etc. I’ve met a whole host of new people online and even met them as well and they’re such good people. It really makes a difference. Also remember – if people aren’t worth knowing, they’re NOT. Your judgment is VERY important and I consider that to be one of my gifts in reading people who treat me with respect and those who are just mean-spirited.

To stand up for yourself takes moral courage. Maybe have it out with them and say your side of your story and make it firmly clear you will tolerate no more abuse – if you do, you will take it further and maybe even make other people not connected to your situation aware of the abuse – a bad rep doesn’t go down well with people. Your immediate family might see you as a troublemaker but at least you had the guts to stand up for yourself and say no more.

I suffered from a bad childhood as well in college with bullying every day for FIVE years – even one or two of the teachers got in on the act as well, which if reported would have been serious but I never told anybody because I didn’t want to rock the boat and have my pride intact. That might sound strange, but its very difficult to know what the best choice is to make in a bullying scenario.

Exercise is also a very good thing as well in times of emotional situations. Find something to do that puts a smile on your face – feel good about yourself. Don’t wait another moment. Get online and go out, meet new people etc, find a hobby. It sounds to be that you are different from the rest of your immediate family and good for you – its often that the ones who are different and there’s nothing wrong with that, often go on to be the most successful individuals.

If girls can’t see you for who you truly are, I’m sorry to say and I know you felt a lot for this particular girl, they’re not worth knowing. You are a good person who obviously has so much to give and I find it such a shame. There are plenty of other girls out there and you will know when you find the one – you’ve just bumped into an obstacle, that is all. Life is full of them, but it also has its rewards as well and it’s a matter of finding them. You will!

Whatever you do, DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE! Despite what you think people may think of you, they would be lost without you as well because deep down, they DO love you – people just aren’t always good at showing it. That’s obvious from the way when you say that they would cry because it shows they most definitely would miss you and I’m sure so would many others. Suicide doesn’t just affect immediate family but so many other people because they too care. You have so much support and I wish you the best of luck in the future!

However, should you even begin to have extreme thoughts, talk to somebody as has already been said, RIGHT AWAY!

Positive Thoughts!

12-02-14, 10:36
'm about done with my life..
i have done everything to try make myself worth something but i will always be a failure teen. i'm very intelligent and i'm not getting rewarded for anything i do.
i'm 15 and my brothers always tell me that i look 12 and that girls think of me as a little child.. i see myself as a 12 year old now. i've started to Develop low confidence and some social phobia, everybody walks all over me because i'm a nuisance who gets treated like A homeless person.
i get called ''immature'', my brothers friend is 16 and Smokes weed and does stealing. he gets called mature because he has sex.. but i'm technically Immature because i have no friends and they think of me as a babyface Child. i really need some assistance. no-more-panic really helps me i love your replies..
how do i stand up now and prove i'm a man and walk as if i'm the best how do i put a'n end to being treated poorly. i had a traumatic childhood.
now i suffer from Gad,Mild Separation anxiety,OCD and some Depression on a bad day.. UPDATE;2/10/14, a girl i really liked like a crush, told me i'm her little brother alot of girls tell me that. im so depressed should i just kill myself people will than cry and regret not being nice. i have no more confidence im pretty sad after what she told me, im so lost now

Hello peter, suicide is never an option, you have your whole life a head of you, just because you feel this way now, certainly doesn't mean your going to feel like it forever. I used to suffer from these thoughts, it's part of the anxiety package. Just hang in there, I'm 22, still look about 12...but I am happy for who I am and you should be to. So don't worry I also have a baby face. Just understand that your only going through feelings and they will not harm you. I would suggest you find something you really love, maybe learn a new skill, musical instrument, sport and keep occupied. It's the best medicine :)
I hope this has helped.

12-02-14, 11:25
Peter, all that suicide ever is, is a PERMANENT SOLUTION TO A TEMPORARY PROBLEM!!

You're only thinking like this because of your depression, it is not really you, it's the depression making you think like that.

At this stage, I would urge you to seek help IMMEDIATELY in order for others to keep you safe until this stage passes and it WILL PASS, I know, because I've been there and am here to prove it.

You are overwhelmed with your problems, but, Peter, honestly, they will get sorted.

Please just go and get help NOW!! :hugs:

17-02-14, 04:25
You are so young, being a teen is hard but you have so much life ahead of you! Stay strong!