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10-02-14, 12:34
I am freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm supposed to be going away tomorrow and I am absolutely petrified! Why did I think I could do this?

I feel sick, can't sleep properly, can't eat, I just don't know what to do with myself I'm a nervous wreck. I'd be grateful if anyone has any words of wisdom to help me right now I am in a state & I can't talk to anyone about it as I'm not allowed to bring anxiety into it and spoil their holiday experience.

I feel so alone and in a mess, I can barely breathe!!!!!!

10-02-14, 13:02
Try to concentrate your mind - Have you packed everything? Have you Googled where you are going to see what attractions you can visit?

Remember you have been invited because your friend's feel that your presence will enhance the holiday. It's highly likely that you are going to enjoy yourself - you're on holiday, away from your everyday stresses!!! Loads have posted on this forum worrying about their forthcoming holidays and everyone of them, without exception, has returned and posted what a great time they had.

Keep telling yourself that this holiday is going to be great no matter what happens:

Flights delayed - so what.
Hotel squalid - This'll be interesting.
Anxiety hit for a couple of hours Tuesday - got over it and the rest of the holiday went swimmingly.

Change your frame of mind and remember how lucky you are to be going away with people who like you!

10-02-14, 14:11
Try to concentrate your mind - Have you packed everything? Have you Googled where you are going to see what attractions you can visit?

Remember you have been invited because your friend's feel that your presence will enhance the holiday. It's highly likely that you are going to enjoy yourself - you're on holiday, away from your everyday stresses!!! Loads have posted on this forum worrying about their forthcoming holidays and everyone of them, without exception, has returned and posted what a great time they had.

Keep telling yourself that this holiday is going to be great no matter what happens:

Flights delayed - so what.
Hotel squalid - This'll be interesting.
Anxiety hit for a couple of hours Tuesday - got over it and the rest of the holiday went swimmingly.

Change your frame of mind and remember how lucky you are to be going away with people who like you!

Everythings packed and I think we are booking trips when there but we do have an idea of what we want to do and they all look so fun, it's just this anxiety! I just feel like I can't think about it as it makes me panic!

My mind is going 100mph, what if this, what if that. I really do need to change my mind set and calm down I'm just finding it so difficult right now! It's not been long since I've started going out again with the help of the Cipralex so the baby steps have now turned into a giant leap!

I actually went to New York/Florida and we missed the flight back but our luggage was still on! I was stressed out but not in an anxious way, more in the I hope I get my stuff back! We then had to go to another state to get a connecting flight and stay in a hotel with no luggage/food etc. But we dealt with it, I saw it as an adventure, it's just the anticipation before hand that eats you up.

I'll try to get in a better mind set, thank you for the advice gypcyg!

10-02-14, 14:54
Hi i went abroad last July for 2 weeks and i was in such a state beforehand, the anticipation anxiety was horrendous and i really didn't want to go but guess what i had a fantastic anxiety Free time when i was there! It was one of the best holidays I've had so Im sure once your there you'll be fine its just the thought of it x x

10-02-14, 18:15
I went to Croatia last year, I have a thread about it. Was in a right state the day before I went but I just tried to imagine myself there having a great time. I took it easy the first day there while I got used to the new surroundings and I had a lovely week. The sunnier weather did me the world of good.
I am sure you will have a wonderful time, come back and tell us all about it :)

10-02-14, 19:52
Could you hand over responsibility to someone else. I stop my anxiety by allowing my wife to take charge, which she likes, I just focus on keeping my mind settled and shuffle zombie like through the airport

10-02-14, 22:12

Hope you've managed to calm down slightly and look forward to your holiday.

If you're still feeling nervous try writing down why you are afraid but then also writing the things you are looking forward to about the holiday. Try to put the things you are afraid of into context and write down why they aren't logical.

I've got confidence that you will be reporting back to say you've had a great time x

11-02-14, 00:12
Thanks everyone, well I can't sleep but I'm trying to control it, I have a horrible headache from all the stress... great!

Thanks Nicola & Annie, the anticipation is awful isn't it, I'm sure things would be much easier if you could just get it over and done with, no waiting, no thinking.

Zeitgeist, I've handed most stuff over to my mum, hopefully it will ease the anxiety a little!

And thank you also beauty, I did learn to do that in CBT so I will put that in use, thank you.

Wish me luck everyone, I really need it!!!