View Full Version : I'm not sure if this is anxiety thing....

21-11-06, 20:09
.... but i needed to ask

doesd anyone ever really get really paranoid that people don't like them?? and insecure about friendships?? Sometimes i get scared that all my friends think i'm embarrassing and don't really like me!! especially the day after drinking, i wake up feeling really morified even though i haven't done anything!!


21-11-06, 20:09
supposed to be mortified!

21-11-06, 20:22
I don't have to be paranoid 'cause i don't have any friends!

21-11-06, 22:07
I think it is link to confidence being knocked about.

I am driving my boss loopy by thinking I am not worthy of being in the team as I can't contribute enough. In reality it's tosh as I am a hard worker and I know my stuff. But I need reassuring at the moment.

21-11-06, 23:52
Sounds like a bit of low self-esteem to me and feel as though you are not worth anything.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

28-11-06, 21:37
yep i reckon its basically a bit of low self esteem, i don't have it all the time but i was wondering does anyone have any tips on stopping it??

29-11-06, 13:18
Write down 5 things you like about yourself.
5 reasons why you are good mate and person to be around.

Copy this onto bits of paper and stick them in your pockets. When the self doubts creep in read them. Then come on here for an ego rub - we'll tell you why you are worth it.

29-11-06, 13:41
I'd agree that your self esteem needs a boost. Also the day after drinking your mood will be low...alcohol is a depressant and will only add to your concerns if you over do it so try not to!

Feeling good about yourself can be tricky and takes a bit of work but it will be worth it!
