View Full Version : Liver

10-02-14, 14:34
Really panicking right now and wondering if anyone can help me out.

For the past few years everytime I have drank alcohol I have developed bruises on my legs, not from knocking them or falling over they just appear without reason.. This has probably happened for the last 3 years (but that is pretty much the same time I remembered I started drinking). It got worse when I was at my worse and drinking excessivley. This still happens and really is alarming me.

Recently I've started developing a rash which is like tiny pin pricks which do not itch, do not fade with touching as the doctor pointed out today. This rash appears at different points on my arms and dissapears quickly and returns on different points. I don't notice it or anything, I can't feel it, but only notice it when I see it.

I went to the doctors today about it expecting it to be a rash or as my health anxiety was telling me leukimia. The doctor said to me she thinks its to do with blood clotting, i.e liver problems. I then mentioned the bruising and she said yep I need this sorting out.

So I've got a blood test on Wednesday and I'm really scared. Do you think this means I have severe problems with my liver? I'm a 21 year old female and terrified that I've damaged myself severely and I won't be able to repair it or anything and will die.

Has anyone got any information on this?


10-02-14, 15:14
Oh my goodness sometimes I think doctors overreact. I get a rash that you describe quite often in the winter I think it is caused by dry skin. I don't drink at all as my father is a raging alcoholic but I get lots of unexplained bruises. When you are drinking you get numb and you don't feel pain as much as you would if you were sober plus your balance is off. My father has been a heavy alcoholic for over 30 years. His liver is in bad shape but still he is alive and kicking. I don't think you could have damaged your liver that badly in a short amount of time. Also, the liver is one of the few organs in the body that will regenerate itself. Now, with that said drinking heavily is harmful to your body if you continue. I'm not telling you what to do but I would suggest that you cut back. You are a young woman and you don't want to have medical problems by the time you are 40 or find yourself in dangerous positions. Anyway, I think you are just fine. You will get the blood results back soon and you will feel better. :hugs:

10-02-14, 15:35
Really panicking right now and wondering if anyone can help me out.

For the past few years everytime I have drank alcohol I have developed bruises on my legs, not from knocking them or falling over they just appear without reason.. This has probably happened for the last 3 years (but that is pretty much the same time I remembered I started drinking). It got worse when I was at my worse and drinking excessivley. This still happens and really is alarming me.

Recently I've started developing a rash which is like tiny pin pricks which do not itch, do not fade with touching as the doctor pointed out today. This rash appears at different points on my arms and dissapears quickly and returns on different points. I don't notice it or anything, I can't feel it, but only notice it when I see it.

I went to the doctors today about it expecting it to be a rash or as my health anxiety was telling me leukimia. The doctor said to me she thinks its to do with blood clotting, i.e liver problems. I then mentioned the bruising and she said yep I need this sorting out.

So I've got a blood test on Wednesday and I'm really scared. Do you think this means I have severe problems with my liver? I'm a 21 year old female and terrified that I've damaged myself severely and I won't be able to repair it or anything and will die.

Has anyone got any information on this?



I'll preface in saying I'm a pretty straight shooter. I unintentionally offended someone due to my demeanor so I don't want to do so again ;) Before you know it, the test will be done and you'll have some answers. It sounds like you have a good doctor and she's doing what a good doctor is suppose to do :)

Ok... To answer your question. It's impossible for anyone here to diagnose or predict what's up with you but that being said, it's appears that drinking is causing some kind of issue or at the very least bringing something else to the surface that needs to be addressed. At 21, I highly doubt it's serious but regardless, it is a shot across the bow as a warning. Most likely, if there's something up, it's reversible/treatable at your age. Most that suffer from alcohol related liver issues have been abusing themselves for decades.

I've said this in many posts here. Drinking and anxiety don't mix, especially if you're on any meds. It's a proven fact that drinking aggravates anxiety. It truly is best to avoid it altogether. I'm pretty sure your doctor is going to tell you the same thing ;) Same goes with smoking. It's totally counter-productive to smoke when it causes many of the diseases so many fear.

Again, just based on your age, I don't think you've done any damage to your liver but it would be prudent to give up the drink anyway. Good luck with this... I hope everything turns out fine for you :)

Positive thoughts

14-02-14, 08:42
Thankyou both so much for your reply, it really is appreciated. You really have made me feel better about this and its nice knowing I can turn to this forum for support etc.

So I rang the doctor today to see if my results had come in and they told me they had. They said it says 'speak with doctor'.. I tried to get an appointment today but they wont give me one until Tuesday.. Last time I had blood work done which showed abnormalities in vitamin d and a high white blood cell count they told me all the results over the phone and still said to talk with doctor.. this time they won't tell me any of the results!

I'm really panicking now as to why I have to speak to a doctor about them.. an I know this is just gonna get worse and worse till Tuesday.. :(

14-02-14, 08:55
Thankyou both so much for your reply, it really is appreciated. You really have made me feel better about this and its nice knowing I can turn to this forum for support etc.

So I rang the doctor today to see if my results had come in and they told me they had. They said it says 'speak with doctor'.. I tried to get an appointment today but they wont give me one until Tuesday.. Last time I had blood work done which showed abnormalities in vitamin d and a high white blood cell count they told me all the results over the phone and still said to talk with doctor.. this time they won't tell me any of the results!

I'm really panicking now as to why I have to speak to a doctor about them.. an I know this is just gonna get worse and worse till Tuesday.. :(

When they won't tell you any results, that usually means there is nothing to be afraid of. When it's serious stuff-they call you first, usually right after you have completed the tests.

Secondly-whatever it is, waiting until Tuesday will not make it worse. However, you can help it being made better by staying off the booze for the weekend. :)

18-02-14, 16:48
Thankyou for your reassurance andrash really is appreciated :).

I haven't had the telephone appointment today as they didn't ring me and now have to wait till Thursday :(.