View Full Version : Work Christmas Do"s

21-11-06, 20:21
Dont know about anyone else but am keeping a lid on the pa"s but have 2 work things to go to in December. One with my office at a posh restaurant which I am cacking myself about as its a sit round the table for 2 hours eating 3 courses of food - I know I will feel sick, hot, faint and hperventilate so am trying to use positive imagery to imagine I am laughing and having fun but its SOOOO hard!!!

The other do is in a huge hotel where we eat a 3 course dinner then dance til 1am - Im feeling claustrophobic about being "trapped" in a huge venue with l00"s of people.

I keep telling myself its irrational and I will be fine if I stop building it up so much and "expecting" it to be bad.

My CBT has finished now and I now know what sets me off on a PA but still really nervous about the xmas parties.

Any tips anyone?>
Love Wenjoy x

21-11-06, 21:12
Fortunately, I have just the one - a pub lunch with my old work colleagues. Its quite near my house and I can disappear before the pub crawl lol.

Went to a small 50th party recently and was as calm as anything as it was very small. But once I tried to dance, I just panicked. I think it was the fear of exercise.

Why can't we enjoy ourselves?



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

21-11-06, 21:17
hi wendy i can really relate to how you feel!!!i,m starting a new job next week and the boss(whos a lady)said that they have loads of nights out etc.i,m one of those people at the mo who just wants to do their work then come home!i don,t really like to keep making excuses as to why i,m not going out with them this time!!!!!
i would suggest just taking the evening as it comes!take your rescue remedy if you have it and just keep nipping off to the loo if you feel anxious!!!!!
or the other alternative is just to get absoultley s**t-faced and hope fully forget all about your anxiety!!!!!hope you have a lovely time anyway!!!!!!
take care
rachel x

21-11-06, 21:46
Oh yes. The dreaded christmas party. The social phobics least favorite night of the year, lol. The only thing I can really say is you are not alone. I am dreading mine equally. Maybe it's good that I am leaving the job straight after. Well good luck guys! Ps: whatever happens it isn't as bad as we think it is.