View Full Version : Not feeling well...feel guilty about calling in sick tomorrow.

10-02-14, 20:49
Tonight I feel very ill: chills, chesty cough, body aches and a lot of sinus pressure in my head.

I have already recently called in sick because I had a night was extreme insomnia (didn't sleep at all) and couldn't face going in...I knew it would come back to haunt me...fate. I should have waited until I was really ill :(
Now I do need a day off and I'm worried I will get into trouble...I hate calling in, I get massive anxiety with it. :weep:

10-02-14, 21:42
Hi sorry to hear ur not well I would call in sick they can't sack u for it or get a doctors note. I used to call in sick all the time I got away with it but I quit my job due to anxiety and depression I couldn't handle working any more. Hope I've helped u hugs to u xxxxxxx

10-02-14, 21:57
Thanks spuder...I need to think of my best interests, I always worry about what others think.

10-02-14, 23:05
Never a truer statement you have said, you need to think off YOUR best interests and not others, nor what others think. I know it's extremely hard and it does take a bit of doing but stick to your guns and do what you need to. Until the last couple of months I was exactly the same, wouldn't say no, worried what people would think if I did say no, would put more pressure on myself, more stress etc and then you know exactly what happens, stress / anxiety / vicious circle. I just decided it was time to do what was required to get better and that was to turn down work, finish what I had on books at moment ( will be this week) take the odd day off here and there if I needed it. If you explain that you are struggling at moment, be honest (you don't need to mention anxiety, your not well, that's not a lie,just that your not keeping to great and struggling at moment as there's been a lot going on lately, they don't need to know the greater details) and you will be pleasantly surprised at how many people understand and admire your honesty. You won't get into trouble for being honest, if you did I would look at changing employers!! Your health comes before work, took me a long time to go through with things but wish I had done it a long time ago, was pushing myself to the brink then it would be no work for a long long time. Take the time you need, your boss would prefer a fit 100% employee after a few days off rather than one working at 40% for the next few weeks. Hope you feel better soon.
