View Full Version : Stroke or Anxiety? Panic?

22-11-06, 03:20
I woke a little early today not feeling well.For the last few days I have had a nervousness for some reason..My son is coming here for Thanksgiving and I don't know if Im anxious about this or not.We jumped up and went into town to do some banking buisness.and then some other errands.I started having breathing problems like i just couldn't breath enough..We finished our buisness and on the way home I still felt the same way.When we got home I got out of the car and felt very weak.I came in and laid down on the couch and just felt really weak and things didn't look normal.I felt as though I was sinking into the couch.My pulse was a little elevated but not too much.As I sat there It took awhile but started feeling a little better and checked my pulse fairly often.It didn't take to long for it to go to a perfect 72 but as I sat there looking around the lighting looked funny..its already dark here and well Its kind of funny looking in our house to start with..Anyway it took me awhile but I checked my vision by following my finger .It was ok. also when I got up I walked heel to toe for about ten feet.I still feel a little whoosey and kind of nauseated and feel a little weak..I also can feel a vein behind my ear at night pulsating it makes my head go up and down.When I was laying on the couch I put my head against it and it kind of hurt my head inside..Am I just anxious about my son coming or did I have some kind of stroke? Still don't feel that good but pulse seems to be normal.Can you have a stroke or mini stroke and feel that way?

22-11-06, 11:02
Hi there,Im pretty sure you havent had a stroke,you are feeling woozy and weak because of your breathing.If you try and do some breathing exercises you will calm down,and find the other symptoms will settle down as well.Its not a good idea to keep checking your pulse pet.It will make you more anxious.And being anxious will make your pulse faster.

Ellen XX

22-11-06, 11:41
I guess I just check it because i figure if its normal then its not stroke ,high blood pressure,or heart attack.I don't see how you could have any of those with a perfect 72...I appreciate your post but found a nurse friend of mine that pretty much told me the same thing..doing the breathing exercises and classic anxiety..the way she knew ..she had experienced the samething when her daughter died..for awhile.. and it was almost identical as to what happened to me..I guess i am nervous about my son's visit.. or maybe its the stupid questions i am asking on yahoo health.. and getting many many different answers.. its scares me but its getting to be an addiction ..the whole health ,symptoms and websites talking about heart,stroke, and illness..Ellen Im really trying tonight to do my best not to look at anything related to that..I do have a hard time accepting my doctors diagnosis..and well thats my fault..I just feel like no matter what is said and by who other than you guys isn't going to matter much.I have stopped the searching and started just looking at things that I usually don't..old interest before obsessing..and im answering questions on yahoo about things I know about ,computers,and general life questions..I will try not to look at the heath questions because all they do is confuse you anyway.There are a few doctors there,but they all say run test..I wouldn't believe the test anyway..and then you have the hotshots in the ER or cardiac nurses that well just are in burn out but think they have seen it all or done it all.I just have to wrestle with the demon of obsession and pray that the doctors were correct..and really I believe they were.. its just that I have to really convince myself they were..and have to get an attitude like I had years ago..I just don't give a da** I hope that you guys can put up with me long enough to kick the medical habit..Ill either kick it or die trying..Sometimes though I get so scared ..and I think for the most part the tiredness from worry is the thing that makes me worry.It makes me think my heart is giving out.The weight I have lost which the doctors say is great because of keeping fit.. also makes me more aware of my heart..and God I have read enough about medical I could probably go into med school right now..Im ready to get off this obsession and move on with living.Thank you so much for your vote for anxiety I think most of my symptoms are pretty much related to anxiety if not all..I feel hopeless sometimes like its never going to go away ,but I keep praying everynight it will..

22-11-06, 13:19
I used to be the same with medical books years ago,it made me very ill.you must try and stop looking up these sites.There are so many illness's with similar symptoms you will get very confused.Take it from someone who knows.

Ellen XX

22-11-06, 14:11
Hi L4A,

As you know I have responded to all of your current posts I think. I really feel the essense of what you say in each is the same.

You have a real anxiety issue which is bringing you down and the causing of you feeling the way you feel. If you get the support to deal with this, your others concerns will drift away.


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

23-11-06, 06:51
Thank you all for giving me hope.Every post is a liite relief and support that helps me no im not so abnormal..I thank you from the bottom of my heart..