View Full Version : Pancreatitis and gall stones

11-02-14, 11:32
I have just returned from being in hospital since Sunday eve. I had an excruciating gall bladder attack. Although I did not know what it was at the time. Taken to A&E by ambulance. My heart rate was high and bp low. My bloods came back with abnormal white blood cell markers, liver and pancreatic levels were also abnormal. I was diagnosed with pancreatitis . Put on fluids during the night and offered pain killers. I was scanned yesterday and they have found gallstones. I have been put on a waiting list to have my gall bladder out. Later even though I feel so ill I was sent home with pain killers and anti sickness pills. I am feeling so ill today and so weak and exhausted. My main worry is I don't know if I should be at home as I feel so ill. I did not have an opportunity to discuss this with the doctor at the hospital as he was in and out with news of operation. I'm not sure if my condition is made worse by my anxiety as it tends to play on my mind. I'm terrified of having another attack as the last one was so horrific. I even asked the paramedic if I was going to die the pain was so bad. I don't know what to do I can't even summon the energy to get to my doctors to ask them. Really never felt this bad in my life. I'm terrified of up and coming surgery and later consequences of having no gall bladder. I have been given no information on how this affects the rest of your life with diet etc. feeling let down by the nhs again as I wasn't told any information. A nurse told me as she was giving me my letter and meds on my departure that I should stick to a fat free diet and that cheese was one of the worst things to eat this was after the hospital provided me with a meal at dinner of jacket potato and cheese. I'm home now in bed and really worried about how dreadful I feel. Any advice from anyone that has suffered from this condition would be greatly appreciated. I want to get myself back to where I was before the attack.

11-02-14, 12:44
I had pancreatitis when I was 16 years old. All I remember was being in excruciating pain. I was in the hospital for a day or so. I recall it took about a week for all the soreness to go away.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

11-02-14, 14:09
6 years ago my mum was hospitalized for 2 weeks with pancreatitis and gall bladder issues. The doctor in A and E thought she was going to die, she was severely ill.

I can't help you too much (sorry!) She had to change her diet (less fats etc) and she lost a shed load of weight ans felt amazing (she was a very large lady) 6 years on the loss of her gall bladder has zero effect on get life. My mum in law also has had hers out and is fine no special diet etc. I'm sure this will be explained before the operation but you're not going to die. Good luck xx

11-02-14, 16:38
My daughter had the same thing as yourself last September and was hospitalised for three days. She is still awaiting to have her gallbladder out. In the meantime she was told to cut out nearly all saturated fat and this has kept the pain away which she described as worse than childbirth. Once she has had her gallbladder out she can go back to normal diet. In the meantime, she has lost three stone in weight and tends to feel tired much of the time. Her GP told her to suck lucozade tablets as these would give her energy.

11-02-14, 18:07
I never had pancreatitis, but I had esophagitis once when I was a teenager. I still remember the pain :( :(