View Full Version : Hello people

11-02-14, 13:59
It's nice to meet everyone here, I am a new member and have been free from anxiety for over 3 years thanks to a brilliant program I used, I am here to help everyone who sufferers from the condition, as it's a deep passion I've developed after getting over my issues...please feel free to ask questions and any queries you might have
Thanks :)

11-02-14, 14:06
Hello and welcome charlie very pleased you are free from your anxiety ,im sure you will help alot of people here x

11-02-14, 14:08
Hello there, I love your signature, It's very warming :) nice to meet you and If you need any help, please feel free to ask any help.

11-02-14, 14:15
Hello there, I love your signature, It's very warming :) nice to meet you and If you need any help, please feel free to ask any help.

Thanks charlie what was it helped you over come it x

11-02-14, 14:27
I used a program called the linden method, it steered me away from all of the bad habits and after a while my anxiety went. :) That's why I'm so passionate about sharing it to others and helping people. I'm also training to become a coach for the linden method. I have my own website where I have information about it. Thanks for replying

11-02-14, 14:39
Thanks charlie ,best of luck to you x

11-02-14, 14:47
Thanks very much :) have you heard about The Linden Method? x

11-02-14, 15:21
Thanks very much :) have you heard about The Linden Method? x

Yeah il will have to have a look at it ,to be honest I ended up taking meds which is helping me ,but part of me thinks its only masking the problem x:lac:

11-02-14, 15:23
aww ok, yes you are right. Medication only masks the problem, you have the cure already in you :) x

11-02-14, 16:31
The linden method actually stopped your anxiety completely?nhow long did it take?

11-02-14, 16:36
Hello there, to be honest it took me about 4 - 5 weeks, nothing is overnight, I put a lot of effort into the method. thanks for commenting :)

11-02-14, 17:38
Hi Charles and welcome :) lots of free helpful advice here. Stick around and learn :)

11-02-14, 18:06
Hello, Thanks for the welcome! I'm here to learn from people and offer people help :) I used a program to overcome my anxiety and panic, I've been free for over 3 years now.

11-02-14, 19:31
Very good :). There's nothing more satisfying when you find that perfect solution to overcome your anxiety. There are many different treatments and therapies as I am sure you are aware of young man, but it's like hitting the jackpot when you find what works for you.

As individuals, different things work for different people, but well done on finding what cured you.

I too am also anxiety free for around the same time, although probably suffered a lot longer than you, so have had a lot more experience with different "treatments".

But stick around and keep posting, always keen to hear the experiences of x-sufferers :)

11-02-14, 19:51
Yep sure is :) ok thanks. I tried everything tbh, The linden method and panic away worked for me. How did you overcome it?

11-02-14, 20:21
Ahh that's interesting. I know for a fact Mr Linden denounces Panic Away as nonsense and that they are completely different. I do know the Panic Away programme does mention Dr Claire Weekes is at it's roots, which for me is more credible, and Mr Linden openly attacks all other methods constantly on his twitter and Facebook feed.

For me "Charlie" I did look into a lot of "methods", when ill, I denounced a lot of them, including TLM (the 9 pillars seemed ludicrous to me), and I did go on and tried meds and some therapies with little success.

Eventually, I was recommended to read Claire Weekes (by a member on here years ago), and that, along with exercise diminished my anxiety to non-existent levels.

Why am I here still? I hear you ask, well I like to pop in now and again, see if I can share any experience with people I may be able to help with my humble experiences :)

01-03-14, 19:18
Hi Hun :D

:welcome: to the site.

Its great to hear that you are feeling better. I know just how dame hard it can be, I bet your sooo proud of yourself. We can be given the tool's, given the guidance , but at the end of the day, its up to US.

I hope you don't mind me asking, you say you used 2 methods and it took 5 weeks, how much did both methods cost, was it just reading or did you have anyone helping you?

You have done GREAT and I hope you stick around to help others.