View Full Version : How long until 5HTP take effect?

11-02-14, 16:44
I'm only on day 2 so not expecting miracles. I'm taking 100mg a day every morning. The put says up to 3 a day but I can't seem to find much info on a recommended dosage so I'll stick to one and up it if I see fit. Generally how long to tablets take to get into your system?

I take evening primrose and after just a few days I feel the calming benefits

I read some great 5HTP reviews over on amazon but can't find too much on the net about it in regards to how long till it works or how much to take

13-02-14, 19:59
I've tried 5htp a few times but can't say I've felt anything from it.

I've definitely tried the 3 a night for a good few weeks.
Don't have them on an empty stomach or can give you some pains.

I followed a book called Potatoes Not Prozac. It recommended a small carb in evening (a potatoe) to carry serotonin across the blood brain barrier and raise levels and leave you calmer and less anxious etc.

I've had a carb evening snack for years now. Currently that's one of those 2 min oats things you can get.
You could pop a 5htp or two early evening when your tea has been digested and follow it with a small hi-GI carb snack like a potatoe or oats to carry the 5htp serotonin through blood brain barrier.
I don't take the 5htp anymore. The oats help me sleep every night.

I wouldn't worry whether you take 1 or 3 seems to be up to the individual.

13-02-14, 23:26
I also tried 5HTP and it had no effect on me whatsoever, as in no positive effects, no side effects. I kept with it for a month or so before giving up. However as you say there are lots of good reviews so all those people cannot be wrong, so stick with it maybe for a month or two? One thing I will add is that I am super-sensitive to medication and get bad side effects from most things, which makes it odd that 5HTP seemed to do nothing at all.

14-02-14, 08:24
Thankyou for your replies, I'm pretty sensitive to things. I'm taking evening primrose oil abc scbu even that has an effect on me. Not just mentally but physically too. I'll stick with it and fingers crossed. xxx