View Full Version : circumstantial anxiety

11-02-14, 18:15
Hi to everybody,

I am new to this forum and new to anxiety. I am 40 years of age and I live in Ireland. 3 months ago I had a health scare and was called for a ct scan of my brain. I got no explanation from the dr. and as a result I started thinking all sorts. I done the worst thing possible and looked online and convinced myself if it was not a brain tumour then it was multiple sclerosis. by the way the reason for the scan was a blind spot in my peripheral vision. this can also be a symptom of MS. anyhow by the time I had my scan I was in a state. the day after I got the all clear I found myself locked in my chair with pure fear. the very next day I felt totally detached and not knowing what was wrong. my dr. who is excellent could not convince me I did not have MS. after a week or two I did finally accept what I was told. at this point I was in a bit of a mess but I refused to give in to whatever it was I was feeling. my dr then told me I was suffering with acute anxiety brought on by the health scare plus other stressful events which had occurred, the loss of my mother five years earlier and the loss of my mother in law who died from cancer at 60. this was a devastating blow. I have always been a worrier but never to a major extent and I was always a calm well ordered person. anyway for the next 6 weeks which took me from October through to December 17 I was showing signs of improving although during this period I was having sleeping problems and had anxiety nearly every day and also irrational thoughts. my thoughts were horrible as I thought I could do harm to my wife and these moved on to suspicious thoughts of my wife. I went to a counsellor and also talk a lot to my cousin who is a psychologist and he reassured me these thoughts are normal in the circumstances. this however has taken a long time to sink in. I have also talked to my wife about these strange thoughts and she has been very supportive and a huge help. I feel awfully guilty about having these thoughts about my wife especially as I know my wife has always been faithful and supportive. before xmas my doctor offered me meds which i refused and the next day I went to the gym and started to run. I was a heavy man weighing almost 18 stone but during the worst 6-8 weeks I lost nearly 1.5 stone in weight, this made the exercise a little easier. the exercise has been the biggest help and as I think back to mid December I was much worse. as I write this I am just over three months in to this and the anxiety and feeling of being on the outside looking in has largely disappeared. I still get background anxiety but it is minor enough and my sleeping has pretty much returned. I do still have the silly thoughts which are mainly about my wife. switching from the do harm to the suspicion. basically I would like to know if anyone else has had the same thoughts and how to deal with them. I feel these thoughts are standing in the way of contentment. I have started to see my counsellor again to work through some issues I have or might have. my doctor has assured me I will make a full recovery but I would like to hear other peoples experiences with what I have been told is circumstantial anxiety. I really look forward to reading some replies and I hope my story will be of some help to others.

Cú Chulainn
11-02-14, 20:04
Hi I'm from Ireland too and suffer from anxiety and panic.
:welcome: to NMP.
You're getting a good bit of help from your doc and counsellor so I'm sure you'll make a speedy recovery.

11-02-14, 20:15
Hi, thank you for the reply. what part of the country are you from? I am in Donegal. how do you cope with your anxiety and panic? I have not had panic attacks which I am thankful for. nice to hear from you.

Cú Chulainn
11-02-14, 20:47
Hey I'm close by in tyrone.
Ah its good thing you don't experience panic attacks.

11-02-14, 21:51
a friend of mine has recently had a few panic attacks. he woke up at 1.30 gasping for breath. is it possible to have a few and have no more or will this lead to more? good to hear from you.

Cú Chulainn
11-02-14, 21:59
No, some people have several a day then none for years and others have it regularly or intermittently. Anythings possible really you can have one and never have another or you can several a month.

12-02-14, 10:14
I used to suffer from about 6-8 everyday! I don't get them anymore because I understand that they don't mean anything and they're completely inappropriate. Just a little tip, If you feel a panic attack coming on, tell yourself, "I know what this is, It will pass, I've had one before and it didn't hurt me and never will, if i panic, the worst that will happen will b a panic attack, although they are horrible...they will not hurt me...I am safe, with practice you will find they start to ease.

12-02-14, 10:57

Anxiety started the same time as you, almost mirroring your circumstances that led you to anxiety. So it's good to hear a similar story. I've just started exercising, my body aches a lot after. But I surprised myself that I got through it. You sound as through your nearly through it. I still have lingering symptoms. My vision is still unfocused and my nerves are firing in all cylinders. But I too have to remind myself daily that I am better than I was in the back end of last year. Keep us all posted on your progress.

12-02-14, 19:19
Hi, thank you for the post. I do feel I am getting well through this. although I do still suffer from the intrusive thoughts. have you been affected by these? it has been and still can be a tough journey. I am still seeing a counsellor to work through some issues from childhood which seem to be relevant. it is not a pleasant experience and for me it has thrown up all sorts of things which I thought were dead and buried. thankfully nothing too serious but enough to cause a little grief. for me I still don't have the contentment I used to have but I trust it will also return. keep your chin up and we can help each other through this thing but it is important to acknowledge that we can get through it and return to a normal life.

12-02-14, 19:53
I've had awful thoughts, but if they occur, I tell myself 'there JUST thoughts' nothing else. No evidence or action for having such thoughts, I too am in counselling and have realised where I get my worry from. But that too is ok, I just need to readjust those thought processes. You will too.

12-02-14, 20:29
Hi, I am hoping the thoughts will dissipate over time. these are what I think are holding me back a little or maybe this is the process? how are you doing in general? we will get through this thing and get back to where we were and hopefully better than we were.