View Full Version : I went to a school function!

lisa p
22-11-06, 10:58

My daugther starts school in Jan, and I as invited to attend a coffee morning to listen to the teacher about the school procedure. I kept making excuses as to why I couldnt go, knew what would be said as son goes to same school, would have a panic, be sick etc etc.

Well I decided I would give it a go, felt really sick and shaky as I walked in, declined a drink, the fear and panic started to get a little overwhelming but I stuck with it and stayed the whole Hour! God I cant believe it!

Came out with such a big grin on my face! lol

Guess the hypnotist I am seeing is doing a little good, I will see him again tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

Lisa px

22-11-06, 11:09
Wow Lisa well done you. A whole hour!!! Excellent. xx

Take Care


22-11-06, 11:10
[Wow!];)Well done Lisa,you didnt let the anxiety beat you girl,you should be well chuffed.[Yeah!][Yeah!][Yeah!][:P][:P][:P]

Ellen XX

22-11-06, 11:23
Woo Woo Lisa!!!

Way to go girl.

Having read some ofyour other posts it was great to read this one. It sounds like you did really well, even although you felt panicy. The fact that you left smiling says that you were immencely proud of your achievement, and that is what you have totake away from it!!

The negative feelings about being in the room etc will be with you but the important thoughts are the successful ones. Use those to look at how you felt and how you could build on this success.

As it is "Mary and Joseph" season, no doubt there will be other functions coming up. You will be able to use this meeting as a dress rehersal for those.

Brilliant brilliant brilliant.

Take care


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

22-11-06, 11:37
Thats great news Lisa !

I always found the school functions the hardest to deal with !

WELL DONE !! Im proud of you !



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

Sue K with 5
22-11-06, 12:07
Well dne Lisa thats absolutely brilliant !! see we can do it when we have to. I had to attend my daughters first assembly a few months ago and I remember how you felt. I was sick and dizzy and oh god at times i wanted to run but i stuck it out and left before the crowds took over

you did amazling well and should give yourself a hug pat on the back

Keep it going your going to be able to do this one day with your eyes closed




22-11-06, 12:38
well done lisa
you should be really proud!!!!!!!!
take care
rach x

Granny Primark
22-11-06, 13:46
Hi lisa,
The feeling we all get when weve done something we really fear is great.
Just remember how you felt when you left the school. Im sure it will give you ambition to to do more and more.

Take care