View Full Version : Bad Anxiety, Panic, Relapse, Blip?

11-02-14, 20:47
Hi Guys!

How are you all?

As you know I have suffered a back injury, been on Tramadol but have come off them on Sunday.

I have been suffering real bad anxiety, can't eat or sleep, feel like my body is plugged into the electric.

Feeling bad!

11-02-14, 20:58
Jackie, I am the same when I get a physical problem it always triggers my anxiety. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

11-02-14, 21:48
Hi Annie

Thanks hun, can't stop shaking, feel like I am having a breakdown!

Husband is being great, said I want to go A&E but hubby won't take me he says ride it out

11-02-14, 22:18
I guess there isn't much they can do at A&E. Try to do breathing exercises to help calm you down. I was the same when I fractured my foot...my anxiety was sky high. I think painkillers containing Ibuprofen made my anxiety higher so I had to stick with paracetamol. Do you have any relaxing music? Sometimes it helps just to close your eyes and concentrate on the music.

12-02-14, 07:39
I had to go to the A&E, couldn't get on top of it shear terror and still have it this morning. I just don't know what to do with myself ... HELP please

12-02-14, 08:04
Jackie I was just the same and it is so awful. You need to keep doing breathing exercises. Breath in slowly through your nose, hold it for 4 seconds and slowly let it out then smile. Keep repeating this. You will get better, it is just a blip you are going through and it will go, keep positive.

12-02-14, 11:34
Hi Annie

Thanks SO much for helping me.

I took the dogs for a walk and had an hours sleep.

Anxiety and panic is there in the background. I am now getting myself all worked up about "what ifs" how will I cope if I feel the same tonight when I go to bed!

12-02-14, 12:04
Hi Jackie :) Like Annie said, try breathing exercises, try to breathe slow and take even breathes, inhale slowly for 3 seconds and exhale slowly for 4 seconds, try to make your breathing rhythmic. With consistent practice, you will feel a lot calmer :)

P.s don't take deep breaths, because deep breaths produce more anxiety. I learn't this after i was told by an anxiety recovery expert.

12-02-14, 14:35
Hi Guys!

Pretty much the same at the moment. My anxiety has appeared again not too bad at the moment, think its cause I am SO tired after being up all night plus not eaten except bananas for 1.5 days!

I know my back injury and the withdrawal from the Tramadol has brought this on!

I have been sat at my friends for last 3 hrs, they have all suffered as I have, plus one of my friends is very depressed today cause the anniversary of the death of her Mum:(

Please keep the kind words and advice going.


12-02-14, 14:41
"I know my back injury and the withdrawal from the Tramadol has brought this on!" So you know this is the reason so you know it won't last :). Try to eat little and often. Maybe baked potato, soft boiled or poach egg on toast, soup?
Oh and keep remembering to smile :) Watch Mrs Brown's Boys, that never fails to make me laugh no matter how bad I feel :D

12-02-14, 16:46
I have eaten another banana! The anxiety is kicking in now with the shakes, does anybody else suffer from these shakes? Is it a surge of adrenalin and how do I get rid of it?


12-02-14, 17:10
Yes I shake all the time when my anxiety is high. You get rid of it by really concentrating on the breathing exercises. take notice of your surroundings and focus on them instead of the symptoms. Describe your surroundings to yourself.

12-02-14, 17:28
Never really got the shakes with my anxiety until recently during the past few attacks, they just go with the thoughts after a while or as soon as I am able to clear my mind abit.

12-02-14, 19:40
Hi guys!

Thanks for your support!

Annie, I will try the breathing tonight thanks for that tip.

I am enjoying a pint with my hubby and looking at a hot bubble bath soon.


12-02-14, 19:43
I think I may have a hot bubble bath tonight too :)

13-02-14, 09:12
Hi Guys!

Hope all is well?

I slept from 9.45pm until 5.30am so really pleased!

I woke to bad back pain and the anxiety kicked in! Trying to keep positive, walking the dogs and the sun is out.


13-02-14, 12:32
I am pleased you had a decent sleep. That is the attitude...keep positive :)

13-02-14, 14:33
Thanks for your support Annie it does mean a lot:)

I thought I had this sorted, well, in how to deal with it. However this episode feels so strong it's knocked me for six!


13-02-14, 14:46
I was the same after I fractured my foot. It is amazing how physical pain can really knock us for sick anxiety wise :(

13-02-14, 17:18
Annie that must have been awful for you:( does that event still cause you anxiety? I am ok one minute, then I get a wave of anxiety and my thoughts are "is my back always gonna be like this" it panics me:(

I also hate taking all sorts of different meds. I have been on 20mg of Cit for years now, was gonna start reducing very slowly this year until this happened!


13-02-14, 17:45
It has made me scared to climb a ladder! I was painting the staircase and fell off the ladder backwards onto the stairs with my foot wrapped round the rung of the ladder. It took so long to heal and I couldn't do my usual things to help anxiety like go out for a walk. I just sat at home getting more and more anxious and convincing myself I would never be able to walk again! I still get pain in it but at least I can walk :)

13-02-14, 17:51
Oh god sounds awful!

Well it's certainly knocked me for 6! Made me right poorly with all this anxiety and thoughts!


13-02-14, 17:57
It will get better :) You just have to believe it :) Do you have physiotherapy or anything for your back? My physio is the best person ever in my opinion :) I don't know what I would have done without him.

13-02-14, 20:59
Yep, got a man manipulating it plus has given me exercises. He said treat it like a break and don't rush results x

13-02-14, 21:28
It will get better with time and physio :)

14-02-14, 07:21
Woke at 3.30 this morning with pain in my back, took a painkiller and went back to bed, within 10 mins felt like I was loosing it full blown panic, anxiety the lot. Managed to talk myself round and get drifting off until 7am! I have terrible anxiety, feel like I want to rush to hospital, sat on my back doorstep taking in air. I have had this for a week now, really have had enough.

My hubby is very supportive and says it will pass like it always does, but it's usually slightly better after a week not worse!

What is happening to me? I think I am caught in a loop, it feels like my mind is trained to wake like this. I have taken my 20mg of Cit as usually and forced to bites of a banana down me.

3 weeks ago I loved my bed, enjoyed getting in it at 10.30 and waking at 6.30 feeling freshed and ok.

14-02-14, 11:24
Hi Jackie
This anxiety lark is a pain isn't it. I know how you feel...and Annie is right. It will get better. You know cos your anxiety has got better before as has mine. Yes you are in pain but that will get better too. I think you may be caught in a loop cos you're worrying about the pain. Remind yourself your physio is helping you and the pain will alleviate but it will take time. My friend had an accident last year and hurt her back. She got very low about it and very very worried. She found it wasn't really getting better so doc sent her for a scan and then a bone density scan. It turned out she had low bone density and the ecercises she'd been doing weren't helping. Now she has to take a tablet to help the bone density and she goes to a speailist physio to help with the pain. She goes swimming too. Now this may not be your problem but may be worth investigating. Don't know how old you are and if it could be a possibility. hers is an inherited problem.and her sister has since been diagnosed.. I know its easy to say try not to worry. Do you have strategies when you are having panic..this panic will also be tensing your back.
i hope you feel better soon
keep sending messages x
Annip xx

14-02-14, 11:38
Hi hun

Thanks SO much for your help.

Its not too bad this morning, just nerve pain in my leg which is a pain on sitting as want to keep moving about!


14-02-14, 13:38
Good and is your anxiety lowered too. I hope so.
Annip xx

14-02-14, 19:27
Did a lot of thinking and wrote a lot today. I can't have this repetition of blips and states happening as often as they do. I went out and bought Mindfulness by Mark Williams and Danny Penman, so far it's making sense. Also got Claire Weekes and a massive supply of Rescue Remedy!

Will keep ya posted x

14-02-14, 19:47
I love Rescue Remedy :) Another thing that is good...Epsom salts in your bath. The magnesium is good for both anxiety and aches and pains so it will do your back good. I also put a few drops of lavender essential oils in my bath. I buy the Epsom salt in bulk on Ebay. I think I got 20kg last time. My poor postman has a bad back now :)

14-02-14, 19:59
Glad your feeling better Jackie :)

14-02-14, 20:12
Annie, forgot to mention that Hubby bought be a gorgeous big bottle of Lavender bath Essence from L'Occitane and a Lavendar satchet! Bad Mouth aka Nigel no Teeth thought it was catnip!

Thanks Gregg


14-02-14, 20:14
Aww that was lovely of your hubby Jackie. haha, that is funny about the catnip. One of my cats loves the chamomile teabags :)

14-02-14, 20:19
Aww that was lovely of your hubby Jackie. haha, that is funny about the catnip. One of my cats loves the chamomile teabags :)

Camomile tea is lovely :) do you drink it regularly?:yesyes: it really suppressed some of the horrible symptoms when I experienced General anxiety.

14-02-14, 20:24
I drink it every day Gregg, usually a few cups. I also drink lavender tea.

15-02-14, 09:51
Hi Jackie
I have the Claire weeks book too. I hope that will help you. how are you getting on .
Hi Annie I've not tried cammomile tea ..will have to give it a go. Do you have other strategies that help calm you.
Annip x

15-02-14, 11:06
Morning Guys!

I feel a little better today. Done my 20 mins of meditation this morning. It's really hard just to accept and live in the moment, but I do believe this problem may have been one of the many causes for my long term anxieties.

My back woke me at 4.30, got up took a tablet and refilled hot water bottle. Woke again at 7.30 which was a good sleep. When I woke my mind immediately looked for the anxiety which was there but not as strong, felt a bit low though.

Jackie xx

15-02-14, 13:33
I am pleased you are feeling a bit better today Jackie.

15-02-14, 20:20
Hi Guys!

Managed to go for a swim this afternoon, it certainly helped my solid muscles due to my injury.

Jackie xx

15-02-14, 20:33
That's great Jackie, well done! :) xx

16-02-14, 08:49
Brilliant Jackie thats really great. I hope today goes well for you too.
xx annip

17-02-14, 07:37
Hi Guys!

Had a lovely walk with hubby and dogs yesterday and also managed to go fishing!

Woke this morning with some anxiety, but I don't like Mondays anyway.

I have been practising my mindfulness which seems to have helped the last couple of days as I have noticed that I haven't checked the time so much.

Suffering this morning with back and hip though:(

Jackie xx

17-02-14, 08:50
hi Jackie
well done for yesterday. I managed to get out for a while too.
I try and practise Mindfulness and cbt but I woke really early this morning with high adrenaline and had to walk around and try and relax my muscles and calm my breathing. Difficult to do.
Hope you manage to get your anxiety under control..I have resorted to my paper bag to try and calm my breathing.
Annip xx

17-02-14, 08:58
I think the cold damp weather doesn't help with aches and pains. You need a nice gentle massage and some heat treatment :)

17-02-14, 19:02
A massage would be very nice right now:).

Got through the day, bit flat at points with a bit of anxiety, but have been putting my Mindfullness to use:)

I have an appointment in a week with a private consultant re my back, needs sorting ASAP as it is stopping my left leg from working properly.

Jackie xx

18-02-14, 09:14
Hi Jackie
Well done for getting through the day..I sometimes think we forget to praise ourselves for the things we manage to do. You managed your mindfulness even in pain. I find when I'm anxious its difficult to do.
Hopefully the private consultant will be able to sort something for you and quickly.
Annip xx

18-02-14, 10:25
I drink it every day Gregg, usually a few cups. I also drink lavender tea.

Same here, It's always at the top of the cupboard :)

18-02-14, 13:14
Hi Jackie How are you today? Hopefully the consultant will be able to sort your back out.
I ended up at the Emergency eye clinic yesterday. A blood vessel has burst in my eye. I don't know how it happened but it is very sore and the area round my eye is bruised today. Luckily the doctor said it won't cause and long term problems and should heal itself in a couple of weeks.

18-02-14, 16:44
Not feeling to bad today, woke early again though in pain:(

Oh Annie are you ok? Ouch, sounds sore, hope you feel better tomorrow:)

I have been using my Rescue Remedy it's great!

Jackie xx

18-02-14, 18:28
I love Rescue Remedy Jackie, I forgot to take it with me when I went to hospital yesterday and could have done with it. Waiting rooms are a nightmare for me!

18-02-14, 21:31
You got through it though Annie, hope your eye is ok. Waiting rooms are horrible, I try and play a game on my phone, I know you shouldn't have them on in waiting rooms, but it's on silent and takes my mind off things.


18-02-14, 21:35
I started of in the waiting room with a sore blood shot eye, by the time I got into see the doctor I had convinced myself the bleeding was caused by a brain tumour! The waiting room lights had given me such a bad headache. The doctor laughed when I asked if it could be a brain tumour :D