View Full Version : Fight or accept?

11-02-14, 22:02
Some people tell us to fight anxiety. Others tell us to accept it and move on. But which one should I do? Shall I fight this horrible thought about my health?! should i accept this symptom?! Even the thought of having to choose between the too can bring on anxiety! But I think I have it figured. Both. I think as people with health anxiety we are naturally fighters. But some things you cannot fight. You cannot fight an idea, a thought. But you can accept it. If you try to fight it it becomes deeper implanted in your mind - think about it if someone tells you not to think of pink elephants what do you do? But if you accept an anxious thought, a symptom it it will soon lose any value in your mind. But we are fighters naturally. Theres no other way to describe us I mean sometimes just getting up in the morning can be hard! But we fight on. We soldier on through work and 'relaxation' time and even though we might not realise it every day we become stronger. Because another day with health anxiety is another day of getting to know your body, which in itself is amazing. You might be worried over your awareness of breathing or swallowing but just think how lucky you are. Wait hear me out! No one who hasnt experienced anxiety will ever have the chance to know their body as well as you. And in the future when you are recovered you will be so thankful for this insight. So thankful for every breath. where others moan and groan about the slightest problem you truly realise just how special life is. Every new disease you worry about is another reason to be thankful for the life you lead. So I think both is good. A little bit of fighting a little bit of acceptance. Fight through each day but dont fight your anxiety. Accept it and move on. Don't be disheartened if you cant do it at first. It will take time. Your mind needs to be rewired. Like learning to ride a bike. And remember you cannot change the past nor the future but you can change the present. It is a gift. Use it well.

11-02-14, 22:03
I'm always for a conflict. Fight the SOB! :)

11-02-14, 22:07
Fighting takes a lot of energy, just chill:)

12-02-14, 00:42
I think some confuse what fighting means with anxiety. To me, fighting anxiety means saying with conviction....

"I'm sick and tired and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"

That being said, one of the next steps is acceptance and that IS fighting as it's part of healing....does that make sense? Fighting is taking action and seeking help in the form of treatment. Acceptance is part of the treatment.

Positive thoughts

12-02-14, 02:53
Becky, I am so proud of you. Do you realize how far that you have come. Fighting is accepting in the long run. Fighting, as in running, will just increase the adrenaline and create more chaos. I'm so happy to see your post. You're getting there!

12-02-14, 07:17
Having health anxiety on and off for 2 years now. I start to accept it. But sometimes still hard to accept it. Back of my mind always have what if......

12-02-14, 12:23
The reason people say to accept it is that 'fighting' can cause adrenaline production and bring on more anxiety. However, you can have a quiet determination to beat your anxiety and still accept the awful feelings and symptoms. I think you have to find what works for you. Fighting the feelings and distracting yourself works for some, whilst others make more progress by practising quiet acceptance and letting the feelings wash over them, or by floating through the anxiety - acknowledging it is there, but not getting drawn in.

12-02-14, 15:13
I do both I fight it and I accept it, I fight it by telling it its not going to beat me im not giving into anxiety anymore ,but at the same time iv accepted its there and now I go with it if you get what I mean good luck to you x

12-02-14, 16:11
You need to 100% face the symptoms head on and accept that there is some risk and uncertainty in life. Until you do this you won't be free of health anxiety.

12-02-14, 20:31
Totally agree. Accepting uncertainty is a huge part of overcoming HA imo.I sometimes say to myself 'How much reassurance would be enough? What would it take for me to really accept that my heart is ok?" The answer is that no reassurance will ever be enough - simply because I want a cast iron guarantee that I will not get sick, and no one can give me that. So instead I have to work towards accepting my palpitations and accepting uncertainty - which means I may drop dead soon, but it's very, very, very unlikely.

13-02-14, 09:29
Totally agree. Accepting uncertainty is a huge part of overcoming HA imo.I sometimes say to myself 'How much reassurance would be enough? What would it take for me to really accept that my heart is ok?" The answer is that no reassurance will ever be enough - simply because I want a cast iron guarantee that I will not get sick, and no one can give me that. So instead I have to work towards accepting my palpitations and accepting uncertainty - which means I may drop dead soon, but it's very, very, very unlikely.

You've absolutely hit the nail on the head and judging by your attitude it won't be long before you're completely free of health anxiety.