View Full Version : Palpitations come and go

11-02-14, 22:14
Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing fine :)

I had my first anxiety attack 4 months ago, I think it was caused by an ectopic beat, I thought I was having a heart attack. I hadn't had palpitations in some time before that I think, but from that day I started having them again, and these last two months I've had them quite often. Then, these last two weeks I've been able to deal with my anxiety way better, and they kind of stopped. So basically, they just come and go, and this is what scares me, because of what I read on the page about Palpitations under Health Worries: "If your ectopics have disappeared and then returned after a few years of having none than it is wise to be assessed medically again."
I had an ECG when I had my first anxiety attack, and some other tests when I went to the ER when I had attacks again, and the doctors didn't find anything and said it was just anxiety.

So yeah, I was wondering if it's normal that these ectopic beats just come and go? Sometimes I have many a day, and then they stop for some time.


12-02-14, 09:58
In my experience it's completely normal for them to come and go. The best thing you can do right now is to stop Googling them and get on with your life in spite of them.

12-02-14, 12:04
Yes they come and go because in most people they are caused by stress, anxiety, caffeine, indigestion and gas - all things that come and go. I have palpitations every day, but they are worse some days than others.

You could try to identify any triggers, but everything I have read says they are harmless in a structurally normal heart.

22-02-14, 22:19
Thanks for your answers :)
I think the trigger is really bad anxiety, I still have palpitations from time to time but they get REALLY bad when I'm very anxious, so I guess it's normal.
I have acid reflux so it could be a trigger too.
And yes, I need to stay away from Dr. Google :(

22-02-14, 22:28

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

23-02-14, 00:03
On many heart forums you will find people who have a strong correlation between their ectopics and gas, indigestion, acid etc. and who also find them triggered by certain foods, like cheese, spicey food etc. I have found this a little myself. I find eating smaller meals helps.

23-02-14, 11:40
Try to relax... stop worrying things that might reduce your anxiety. Just then the stress will gradually go away. I know it seems hard at first.. but you will find your own way dealing with this.

23-02-14, 22:58
Mine are def related to acid...once I helped that they lessened. If you are female and they come and go, they could be related to hormonal surges and your cycle. Keeping a log helos people to work that one out.