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View Full Version : Nearly 96 hours after head injury and still panicking

12-02-14, 11:13
Hi all

I'm trying really hard not to panic but it's not working, I just can't understand how I haven't done more damage than a mild concusssion after how hard I hit the back of my head. I've panicked every morning I take my son to school incase I'm not there to pick him up, because something has happened. I'm terrified I have a slow bleed I no I shouldn't have but I did google and it can happen weeks after the initial injury :-(

I've tied looking for statistics because that tends to calm me down but I can't find any, any help would be really really appreciated. Xx

12-02-14, 11:36
If it's been 4 days something would have shown by now, surely. It's not just about how hard you bump your head, but where, what angle and so on. I think this is just your mind finding another illness or symptom to fixate on. When my anxiety was really bad, I spent a weekend worrying that a bump behind my knee was the start of a thrombosis. Turned out to be a bug bite.

Try to relax - tell yourself you can start worrying when symptoms appear, because until then you are worrying about nothing.

12-02-14, 11:48
Thank u, I do have a headache but I don't no if I'd have it normally or cause if head injury and I do feel dizzy but is it anxiety? It's so hard to tell the difference sometimes between anxiety and an illness.

I have already had two small panic attacks that I have managed to deal with quite quickly, but they make u think is there something wrong. X