View Full Version : there back again

22-11-06, 13:00
hello im 16 weeks pregnant and im finding it really difficult at the moment two years ago we lost a baby at 17 weeks and im approaching that time again and my anxiety seems to have spireld out of all control.feel absolutley awfull went to see my consultant yesterday they are doing lots of blood tests and treating me like a princess but im soooo scared of the inevitable i cant seem to put my mind to anything else .cosultant said my bp was up and try to relax but i cant dont now how im gonna get through the next few weeks i just want to scream

22-11-06, 13:13
Congratulations apple;)I cant begin to imagine what you are going through.Im sure someone on here does.I dont really know what advise I can give.Try and keep positive the weeks will go by quickley.take care Pet.

Ellen XX

22-11-06, 21:25
Hi apple.

Congratulations. Your consultant sounds great too. My blood pressure was high when expecting my (now 8yr old) daughter. I did fear I would lose her but she was determined! Though I was lucky and did not have anxiety til after she was born.

Our mind does try to play tricks, but just because something happened before doesn't mean it will happen again. Just because it rained last Tuesday, doesn't mean it will this Tuesday...

Try to keep your mind occupied. I find reading a good mystery helps, because I'm always trying to guess whodunnit. Treat yourself well, and make sure you get time to take a relaxing bath, go for a walk somewhere nice, make time for yourself. Practice relaxing breathing exercises, they are always handy... And take care of yourself. [^]


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.