View Full Version : Tingling in the back of head

12-02-14, 13:15
Hi all

I have been having chronic daily headaches for abt 2 years now that are getting worse with time. I went to see a musculor skeleton guy a couple weeks ago and he did one crack of my neck, he wanted to do 2 more but I was very put off by it so I told him I didn't want to. The next day I got a migraine/headache which could be just a coincidence, it last best part of a week and since then I've been left with horrible tingling on the right back side of my head. My head pain has always been in the one area of my head, right side above ear but goes bacdk a bit when very bad. This tingling is awful, I know it is most likely to be nerve related but I am shitting it thinking either he has damaged me or I am goign to be extremely unlucky and something serious is happening.

Please help, very anxiious

12-02-14, 13:21
For a starter, try to visit real doctors for neck problems, not quacks.

I also have a cervical spine issue, with similar symptoms like you (tension headaches and occasional crawling on the left side of head)-it's nothing dangerous but can be boring and unpleasant.

12-02-14, 13:31
Hes an osteopath and a G.P, it was my last call type thing. I've been to a neuro abt a yr ago, had the MRI, neuro test, been to a chiropractor, dentist. This new guy thinks its related to my jaw as I grind alot but this tingling just has given me the heebee jeebees!!! Its ongoing for a week, if it was only a hour here and there I might relax but its constant.
What other symptoms do you have?

12-02-14, 13:53
Hes an osteopath and a G.P, it was my last call type thing. I've been to a neuro abt a yr ago, had the MRI, neuro test, been to a chiropractor, dentist. This new guy thinks its related to my jaw as I grind alot but this tingling just has given me the heebee jeebees!!! Its ongoing for a week, if it was only a hour here and there I might relax but its constant.
What other symptoms do you have?

Neuro is the guy for these type of problems.

My symptoms were very similar to yours-tension headaches and facial tightness, pins and needles in the side of head and occasionally travelling downwards to neck.

Had a clean MRI, and consequently was given the diagnose of a mild cervical radiculopathy (pinched nerve), probably caused by slight misalignment of atlas vertebrae. Bought a new, memory foam pillow adapted to neck issues, changed my sleep posture (before the problem I was sleeping on the side thus bending the neck to the right or left). I also have jaw issues, which aggravated the condition-these are caused by anxiety (teeth clenching).

Now the pins and needles are gone, tensions headaches and facial tightness come and go from time to time but it's much more tolerable than before.

Don't worry-if you had clean MRI and passed the neuro exam, it excludes every serious issue.

12-02-14, 14:15
While I share Andrash's opinion of neck "adjustments," I'd say that it might be worth checking out a physiotherapist or massage therapist as well--they're often very good with chronic stuff that's a result of tension and use patterns. My massage therapy clinic does special stuff for TMJ, because it's so common.

12-02-14, 16:14
Thanks for all the comments, does make me feel a bit more calm! Not sure is it the pain or the anxiety because of the pain but my stomach keeps turning and I feel like vomiting, so much nausea last few days with the pain. I was on amitriptyline for abt 3 months but aint working so doc told me stop it yesterday and take gabapentin instead. I used gabapentin successfully a few months back but opted for amitriptyline when i started getting bad migraine type headaches again. I really don't know how long more of this I can take. Debating going back on an antidepressant just to deal with it all better. The pain makes me panic then in turn I feel worse and then I think its something worse. What a pain!!
Andrash, how did you get diagnosis if you had a clear MRI, just wonderign was there other tests done or what? Even though I had the MRI a year or so ago I feel worse now and I didn't have the tingles in my head then either