View Full Version : I'm losing everyone

12-02-14, 15:51
my anxiety and depression have taken over my life. I used to be really outgoing and see friends all the time now I have no friends at all because I never wanted to go out and have fun. No one even invites me out anymore or contacts me to see how I'm doing. If I invite people put they always say no or cancel on me. My family are fed up of my behaviour and down mood. My partner thinks I'm a failure and that I will never get a job and act like a normal person. What kind of life is this. I'm so defeated and fed up. I've never felt more alone in my life I feel like I'm an embarrassment to everyone and myself

12-02-14, 16:00
Don’t let your anxiety and depression rule your life. If you don’t want to go out, that’s your prerogative. People should respect that. Its ignorance and negligence that people don’t invite you out or see how you’re doing (and its shallow – especially in the light of the fact that they make excuses when you try to make the first move). If your family are fed up, it shows a real lack of support on their side and they should be ashamed of themselves – they should be showing you support. Your partner obviously isn’t fit to be your partner. Sorry but he sounds wrong for you. You need to speak to a confidante and tell them your worries – you also need to stand up, be bold, tell them why you did what you did and be assertive with your family and partner and say you won’t tolerate being treated like this and if they really support you, they’ll understand. I know how it feels to be alone but you’re not alone and you most certainly are not an embarrassment. You are a brave person who has made the right choice. You obviously weren’t happy in your circumstances and have made a bold approach. You should be congratulated for that, not shamed and things will get better for you. Positive Thoughts.

12-02-14, 16:00
You have just seen your doctor and are on the path to getting well…..but you are at the very beginning of the journey. What did your doctor recommend?

When you come through this you will have a story of immense strength, but you have to start retraining your thoughts. Start with three successes you can have today. Do you have it in you to shower? Go for a small walk? And, do one "task" such as a load of dishes or laundry? Whatever those successes are- no matter how small you deem them- give yourself credit for them.

Again, what did your doctor say? I am curious as to if he/she is treating your anxiety/depression with intensity?

13-02-14, 11:16
I was prescribed zopiclone for sleep and sertraline as well. My doctor was very sympathetic and I have to go back in two weeks

13-02-14, 13:25
Okay- I am on Sert too, and will do all I can to cheerlead you as you get going on them. They do take time to work….., but now you are moving forward! Did your doctor discuss some possible start up effects? Some people don't get any, but I did have to go through quite a few….totally worth it. I am SOOOO pleased to hear your doctor was caring and is going to see you again in two weeks. (Did you share with him how bad it truly has gotten?….especially, that you were seriously thinking about taking your life?)

As far as those around you- reach out to them and let them know you have sought treatment and are doing all you can to move forward.

Recovery has started!

Can you download the free CBT course from here and get started? Today? There's no better time! You can do this!

13-02-14, 22:17
Lyrical you sound similar to me when I had OCD and it destroyed most of my friendships and confidence. But slowly and surely it's coming back. It's taken a while but I had many other things to deal with as well. You are doing the right thing and slowly but surely u will find your feet again. We'll done for seeing your dr xxx

14-02-14, 14:51
I've been feeling a bit sick from the new tablets. I'm not really feeling any better yet. I haven't told my family or partner about being on medication again or that I even visited my doctor. They won't understand and it will just make things worse. This is something I'm going to have to deal with on my own. I did tell my doctor about my suicidal thoughts she seemed concerned and only give me a small amount of tablets I think she was worried I would attempt and overdose I assured her that it wasn't my intention to do that

14-02-14, 15:40
Sert takes time to work- that is for sure. You may have a few yucky start up effects, but they go away after a few weeks.

I want to be here for you any way i can…….