View Full Version : To tell or not to tell

12-02-14, 16:10
basicaly, I've been having a tough time because of my HA for a couple of weeks. As I mentioned in other threads, I went to a GP, started anti-ds and got referred to CBT. One of my problems now is whether to tell my parents about it or not.

Here's some background: I'm 19, student, my parents live abroad (or actually it is me who's living abroad, but I consider the UK 'home' now). I have MS, which I suppose has been triggering HA. They know about my health worries, because it had started before I moved out, although it was never that hard.

The thing is, they are visiting me in exactly two weeks and I have no idea whether I should tell them about my problems. On the one hand it would be great to have their support, but on the other I know that once they're back in my homecountry they'll worry a lot about me. And I don't want them to do so, because I think that my MS is enough for them. But on the other hand, I know that I may not be able to deal with HA on my own (apart from CBT)...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

12-02-14, 16:12
Tell us exactly what you would tell them.

12-02-14, 16:15
That I've been struggling for some time and I decided to do something with it, that's why I went to my GP. (They knew I had counselling sessions at uni, but they didn't help much) I would tell them about CBT and that I started taking meds.

12-02-14, 16:18
Hi Alex.
I always think it's best to have the most support you can really. It's good to be able to talk to the people closest to you about how you're feeling.
My parents, brother and boyfriend know my stuff and it helps me to have a vent every now and then.
If you feel it'll benefit you and how you deal with it then go for it. Also, I'd guess your parents would want to know and help you through :) xx

12-02-14, 16:32
I agree in gaining the support of your parents. As a parent I would do anything to help my children if they were ill or suffering. I'm currently dealing with my 20 year old daughter dropping out of college due to depression and anxiety. I'll be there for her in any way I can and I'm sure your parents will do the same.

Positive thoughts

12-02-14, 18:38
thank you all for your replies.

now I think that probably I'll tell them about everything. we've just had a talk on skype and even tough it obviously had nothing to do with my HA, it was dead uplifting for me. I realised how important speaking to my parents is for me and that I won't be able to lie and pretend everything is fine when they come here. They would see that something is wrong anyway, so I'd better tell them in advance.

thank you xx