View Full Version : Helloooo :)

12-02-14, 16:55
Hi guys! :D

I'm a newbie. I'm 24 years old & have suffered from Social Anxiety since my early teens until about 1.5 years ago-ish. I wouldn't say I'm 100% better but I'm stable.

Now I've developed a more Generalized Anxiety problem. :wacko: I think I've been quite depressed for many years but my Social Anxiety took over all my thoughts & now that my Social Anxiety has mainly gone the 'other' feelings have come to the surface over the last 6 months or so. I've been suffering from randoms bouts of nausea & lightheaded-ness on & off which I thought was down to a gluten intolerance/sensitivity but now I'm not so sure. I had a pretty bad panic attack last Sunday night that freaked me out no end & I'm an absolute anxious wreck at the moment. I'm also feeling so depressive - feelings that I've never felt before which are scaring me. :sad:

Just found this forum & thought I'd join to reassure myself that I'm (hopefully) not going crazy & that how I'm feeling is felt by many others. :)

12-02-14, 17:05
Hey charlotte welcome :-) you will find many people here with the same problems all who are easy to talk to, give great advice and are here whenever you need them :-) I suffer from lightheadedness one of the worst symptoms ever :-( don't worry your not crazy :-) X

12-02-14, 17:21
Hi Charlotte :welcome:

blue moon
13-02-14, 12:58
Hi Charlotte and welcome:D


14-02-14, 02:00
welcome aboard :welcome:

14-02-14, 03:31
You are among friends here- many caring and compassionate people who will be able to relate to what you are going through.