View Full Version : Have i got anxiety?

12-02-14, 17:19
Hi everyone not sure if im posting this in the right place but i hope so ..

Was hoping to get some help on here , ive recently been to the doctors after feeling how i describe as just generally ill and shit everyday for the past few years . I was surprised for the doc to put it all down to me having anxiety , he then prescribed me citalopram starting of at 10mg a day and then moving up after a few weeks .

These are the symptoms i get

Feel lightheaded and spaced out most the time

My eyes are really blurry and fuzzy and sometimes dont focus well , this sort of comes and go's but makes it hard to make eye contact when its bad.

My breathing is really bad , this has only been more recently but it feels like im always trying to take a deep breath and i cant sometimes . Also my chest is really tight and it feels like its bruised where my lungs are , i sort of fine myself stretching to try and get rid of it lol. I am a smoker so could be down to that but somehow i dont think so.

My neck aches and im also always moving it and stretching it to try and sort of get rid of the ache.

SO tired , after reading a few things since ive got back from doctors , it seems as though anxiety sufferers tend to find it hard to sleep , well not me i fall asleep all the time , and once i fall asleep i can sleep for ten hours straight without waking up once. And still feel terrible in the morning.

I seem to get drunk really quickly and find myself doing stupid things. Dont know wether this is to cover up the anxeity or something. But it does make me sort of forget about it . Until the morinng that is.

Worried about getting ill is also something i do alot. For example im to worried about going on holiday with my mates incase i get ill . And i always seem to for some reason . Even though im not generally an ill person if you know what i mean lol!

No motivation to do anything anymore , it seems like a massive task just going to the bank or going to get my haircut . I manage to go to work everyday but it just seems wherever i go i just feel so awkward and spaced out .

Ive got a few other symptoms but i wont bore you with anymore.

Do you think all of these are caused by anxiety ? Can i just add aswell , ive never had a panic attack in my life , at least i dont think i have . Now surely if all this was down to anxiety i would suffer from panic attacks ? Or am i just one big panic attack lol i dont know!!??

Sorry if this is a bit all over the place . And thanks for any help much appreciated . Jay

12-02-14, 19:07
Hi, Jay! :welcome:

I would say it sure sounds like anxiety to me. GAD in my non-medical opinion.
Check this out:

---------- Post added at 13:07 ---------- Previous post was at 13:06 ----------

And this:

I'm around here quite a bit, so feel free to chat anytime. :)

12-02-14, 20:34
Hi thanks alot for your reply . Had a read through them posts . Quite amazing really made me sort of feel a bit better! Looks like im going to be taking these citalopram then hmmm!!

Cú Chulainn
12-02-14, 20:40
Yeah that really does sound like anxiety similar to what I get especially the sleeping part lol.
Oh and the blurred eyed I really hate that.
When you start the cit and if you have any problems com join over on the cit subforum

12-02-14, 22:14
Have all the symptoms you mentioned. My eyes are blurred 24/7. I've never had the stereotypical panic attack yet, have HA &GAD. we'll at least I hope I do, and not have something untoward. :s