View Full Version : Panic - sunday!

12-02-14, 17:32
Guys, please help!

This is crazy I know but...

I went for a snowboarding lesson at the end of December and really enjoyed it. My hubby bought it me for Christmas as he does it already. Anyway, I've been unwell since then and I've finally booked my second lesson for this Sunday and I am so anxious about it! I don't don't what of or why...I actually surprised myself with being okay at it last time and I guess I'm scared I won't even be able to stand up this time!

It's mental! I'm so nervous...help!

12-02-14, 18:03
I was terrified about my hair appointment earlier today (pre-booked before my anxiety got bad) & was on the verge of cancelling it as I was so anxious & even more anxious at the thought of having a panic attack there! :(

But I did go & yes I did have a few wobbly moments but I did it! :) I've learnt over the years from having SAD is to try & face your fears & keep facing them because you WILL get over them in the end.. It might take a while or a few wobbles inbetween but you'll get there!

I'm the sort of person who over-thinks EVERYTHING anxiety or not! You've just got to go for it, go in with an open mind & if you do have a 'moment' then take some time out to re-adjust & carry on when you're ready. :D

Snow-boarding sounds like fun! I'm a complete wuss however.... Lol. :whistles:

14-02-14, 15:40
Thanks Charlotte, you're right of course. It's so hard isn't it, having to face the battle every time. You get over one then there's another :(

Hopefully it'll be fine...