View Full Version : blip or really depressed?

12-02-14, 18:52
Hi all, me again!!
So last weekend I went out and got very drunk (stupid u no) but anyway my friend picked me up and accidentally dropped me on my head so I ended up in hospital with a very sore cut head! I then ever since have felt really down :( im on 20mg and this is 10 weeks now, although it happened 2 weeks ago I still feel down and horrible! Is this just a blip or do I need to up my dose? Please no negative feed back as im really crap at the moment! If I remember rightly last time I took cit I was doing really well at about 8 weeks but then went down hill again so came off them at 12 weeks! Really hoping it gets better :( feel like im back at square one! Sorry for the long post but hope someone can advise me :) x

12-02-14, 19:07
by any chance do you keep thinking about that night about the way you may have been acting or you was drunk or what people may have thought of you?

12-02-14, 19:32
Yea, I just keep thinking people must be so disappointed with me so since it happened ive been really evaluating my life & thinking I need to change but deep down I no I never meant to fall on my head, it weren't purposely & now I keep trying to get back with my sons dad coz he.was the one that said im.a.mess and I think if I get back with him I wont do anything silly :( I hate thinking like this coz I was doing brilliant! Back to myself for 2 weeks x

13-02-14, 11:28
its nothing to do with hitting your head, its more to do with you filling your mind with these negative thoughts.

First step is to get these negative thoughts out of your mind, if you don't you'll never fully recover from this depression.

Also get rid of any negative people in your live.

I filled my mind with just positive thoughts got rid of all the negative ones and removed negative people from my life, within a week I saw improvement and now gradually for me my anxiety is slowing down.

I still get blips now and then and get disappointed at myself about it but then quickly move on and think positive for the next day.